Food Safety

Relevant information to help you comply with your consumers' right to safe food

Your search returned (594) results.

Establishing an Effective Food Allergen Control Plan

By Guest Author on 10 September 2018

With allergies becoming an increasing health problem globally, the need to have an allergen control plan has never been more critical.

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Food Safety Feature - Solutions

By Food Focus on 07 September 2018

In order to make safe food you need to have access to the right service providers. This food safety feature showcases some of those providers and the services they can offer you to support your food safety efforts.

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Tiger Brands Doubts it will find the origin of Listeria Bacteria at Factories.

By Food Focus on 06 September 2018

The retail giant’s reputation has been shattered after it was found to be the source of the listeriosis bacteria in March this year.

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Inspiring Handwashing Compliance

By Guest Author on 06 September 2018

QA asked a number of industry authorities for tips on what they do or see done in the plant, not only to require, but to motivate, employees in their handwashing and glove-donning efforts.

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Color-Coded Tools in the Food Industry

By Guest Author on 05 September 2018

According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 1 in 6 Americans gets sick from eating contaminated food every year, resulting in an estimated 3,000 deaths. As if the human cost isn’t sobering enough, the Grocery Manufacturers Association also estimates the aver

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What is fake honey and why didn’t the official tests pick it up?

By Guest Author on 05 September 2018

Australia has been rocked this week by reports that many products labelled as honey are actually fake or “adulterated” honey.Capilano, Australia’s largest honey producer, has been accused of selling products mixed with cheaper syrups.

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Some insight into Food Fraud

By Guest Author on 04 September 2018

Food Fraud is not something new and has been reported since the 1820’s. What is new is the scale and lengths to which people will go to commit this fraud for their own financial gain. This is why food fraud is also known as EMA or economically motivated adulteration. It is all ab

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Listeriosis outbreak officially over says Motsoaledi

By Food Focus on 03 September 2018

Health Minister Aaron Motsoaledi has announced that the country's listeriosis outbreak is officially over.

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Media Statement by The Minister Health on Listeriosis Outbreak

By Food Focus on 03 September 2018

Media Statement by The Minister Health on Listeriosis Outbreak - which has now officially been declared as over.

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Research Takes Aim at Minimizing Impacts of Listeria

By Guest Author on 30 August 2018

Research and new technologies are striving to minimize the impacts of the relentless lurker that is Listeria.

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What is so critical about your crisis management plan?

By Ulli Gerntholtz of NSF on 24 August 2018

In my experience, many recall procedures have been written to tick an audit box but in reality, they are not worth the paper they are written on. Here are some of my best tips given my many years of dealing with food recalls in South Africa.

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Looking for the “Panda” with Rolf Uys

By Food Focus on 20 August 2018

Rolf Uys is a familiar face of the food safety industry in South Africa. Food Focus caught up with Rolf preparing for one of his legendary inspections.

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Hygiene is in the Eye of the Beholder. A Case for Auditor Diversity!

By Guest Author on 16 August 2018

Two auditors, from two organisations, with two different standards rated the same restaurant. The result: a 4 star and a 1 star rating! Much like beauty, hygiene will always be in the eye of the beholder!

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ISO 22000:2018 - what's new (Part 2)

By Guest Author on 07 August 2018

This article is the second about the new ISO 22000:2018 published recently (19/06/2018). If you have not yet read the first article, please check it out in: In the present article we share our vision about the changes in clauses 4, 5, 6 and 7. Part

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Webinar | Food Safety Culture

By Food Focus on 06 August 2018

What lies beyond the systems and strategies that your organisation uses to manage food safety? Could there be something that we have missed? Hear from our panel as we discuss the relevance of food safety culture.

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Training – please step forward if you are the person in charge!

By Linda Jackson on 01 August 2018

The new R638 has brand new and fairly onerous requirements related to training. (I have to own up and admit that I lobbied for these changes several years ago in an attempt to improve the status of food safety training in the country.)

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Harmonizing Produce Safety Standards Relieves Audit Fatigue

By Guest Author on 22 July 2018

The USDA and FDA on June 5 aligned the USDA Harmonized GAP audit with the FDA’s Produce Safety Rule to both streamline audits for farmers and assure them that private audits are consistent with federal produce safety rules.

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SURVEY | Crisis Management in Food Establishments

By Bridget Day on 19 July 2018

We are gathering insight on crisis management, and we'd like to find out if you have ever had to deal with a foodborne illness outbreak at your food establishment, and if so, what was your response. The survey is anonymous, and we'd value your feedback.

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International registration for your cleaning products – now a reality in South Africa.

By Ulli Gerntholtz of NSF on 18 July 2018

Ever wonder if the cleaners you are using in your food or production facility are safe? This article will help you understand what to look for when sourcing chemicals. We explain product registration (how it works and why it is an important component of a food safety program), th

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ISO 22000:2018 - what's new (Part 1)

By Guest Author on 17 July 2018

The new version of the standard (ISO 22000:2018) has significant amendments and therefore cannot be presented in a single article. This first one presents considerations about the changes regarding standard structure, introduction, and clause 3 (Terms and definitions).

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