Food Safety

Relevant information to help you comply with your consumers' right to safe food

Your search returned (589) results.

Advice to the food industry from the Chilled Food Association

By Kaarin Goodburn Chilled Food Association on 12 June 2020

"It is not necessary to close the business or workplace or send any staff home, unless government policy changes. Keep monitoring the government response page for the latest details."

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INFOSAN members discuss network’s role in food safety

By Guest Author on 12 June 2020

Members of an international food safety network have heard that in the increasingly globalized world, a local outbreak of foodborne illness can rapidly evolve into a global crisis.

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EFSA reviews control options for Campylobacter in chickens

By Guest Author on 09 June 2020

Experts have reviewed on-farm control options for Campylobacter in chickens raised for meat production and assessed advantages and disadvantages of each measure.European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) experts considered 21 control options and selected eight for further assessment b

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COVID-19 and Food Fraud Risk

By Guest Author on 09 June 2020

Will the effects on the food supply chain increase the incentive for fraud?

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World Food Safety Day - Another Week of Webinars

By Food Focus on 05 June 2020

The food industry continues to celebrate the topic of food safety, and so we're bringing you another week of webinars happening in the week following World Safety Day on the 7th June

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Team up for safety - Building a food safety culture

By Food Focus on 04 June 2020

View the recording of the benefits that building a strong team can have on the food safety culture of your organisation - this webinar formed part of the World Food Safety Day activities that were held in South Africa in June 2020

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Food safety basics during COVID 19 – Handwashing 101

By Linda Jackson on 03 June 2020

International guidance is consistent that there is currently no evidence that the SARS CoV2 virus is spread via food. International guidance is also consistent that hand washing is key to preventing the spread of the virus.

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Eat it Safe - Food Safety in the Restaurant Industry

By Food Focus on 02 June 2020

World Food Safety Day will be celebrated on 7 June. As part of the week-long programme, we will be looking at the responsibility that restaurants have when it comes to food safety.

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Grow it Safe - The Role of Primary Producers

By Bridget Day on 02 June 2020

Recording now available | FOOD SAFETY WEEK | Grow it Safe - The role that agriculture and food producers play in food safety

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Ensure it's safe - Governments must ensure safe and nutritious food for all

By Food Focus on 01 June 2020

Webinar Recording | Ensure it’s safe - Governments must ensure safe and nutritious food for all

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World Food Safety Day 2020 Programme

By Food Focus on 29 May 2020

World Food Safety Day 2020 is the 7th June and the theme is Food Safety, Everyone's Business. And it most definitely is...

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Dutch firms found liable in fipronil scandal

By Guest Author on 26 May 2020

Chickfriend and Chickclean failed to fulfill agreements with poultry farmers in 2016 and 2017 for red mite control in chickens. In this period, about 250 poultry farmers, or 20 percent of such farms in the Netherlands, had cleaning done with Dega-16 by Chickfriend or Chickclean.

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EU plans cut to antimicrobial and pesticide use in Farm to Fork strategy

By Guest Author on 22 May 2020

The agency plans to propose mandatory front-of-pack nutrition labelling and develop a labelling framework that covers the nutritional, climate, environmental and social aspects of products. Extending mandatory origin or provenance indications to certain products is being looked a

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How the AIJN Code of Practice Helps the Fruit Juice Industry

By Guest Author on 21 May 2020

The European Fruit Juice Association Code of Practice (AIJN COP) is the maximum collection of reference guidelines (RGs) for 27 fruit and vegetables that contain parameters that a fruit or vegetable juice needs to comply within the European Market. The AIJN COP belongs to...

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You’ve got a COVID-19 Case in Your Food Processing Plant…Now What Do You Do?

By Guest Author on 21 May 2020

The coronavirus disease (COVID-19) continues to expand across the United States and the globe. The news of late has not been good and is likely to become much worse before it becomes better. The timeline estimations vary widely. Modelers working for private organizations, busines

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COVID-19 Puts More Emphasis on Supply Chain Visibility and Data Quality

By Guest Author on 19 May 2020

As the food retailers and the supply chain experience significant increase in product demand, transparency and strong supplier relationships are more important than ever.

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Sources of contamination in our home kitchen.

By Guest Author on 15 May 2020

As food safety professionals we are expected to apply and train others on basic principles of food safety. Among them are certainly preventing cross-contamination, monitoring kill steps, cleaning, sanitizing and science-based approach to processes...

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WEBINAR | An update on the processed meat legislation with Hahn & Hahn

By Janusz Luterek of Hahn & Hahn SA (Pty) Ltd on 13 May 2020

There has been a lot of change in the legal landscape in South Africa for processed meat products, with new compositional and food safety requirements promulgated since the Listeriosis outbreak. Today we have an expert sharing the facts with us.

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Disinfectants bactericidal, fungicidal or viricidal?

By on 04 May 2020

The hottest topics since the novel Corona virus (COVID-19) started affecting the globe are disinfectants, sanitizers, face masks and gloves.

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Why Ultraviolet-C is in a pivotal position, post pandemic

By Technilamp Pty Ltd on 21 April 2020

The world as we knew it two months ago, may never quite be the same again. When we begin to emerge from this unprecedented period and look to adapt to our new surroundings and the ways in which we move forward and do things a little differently

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