
Your search returned (141) results.

RECORDING | Pasteurisation to the next level

By Food Focus on 02 November 2022

VIEW THE RECORDING | Pasteurisation of milk will remain a hot topic! This heat treatment ensures safety for human consumption by reducing the number of viable pathogenic bacteria.

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SURVEY | What food safety expenses do you find hardest to justify to your CEO?

By Food Focus on 18 October 2022

Managing your food safety hazards and risks effectively costs money – which is often gets pushback from the CEO/Management team. Tell us what you find hardest in this survey!

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RECORDING | The Dairy Matrix Explained: Health benefits beyond individual nutrients

By Food Focus on 11 October 2022

VIEW THE RECORDING | During this webinar, we will hear from independent expert speakers in the field of health and nutrition, Professor Arne Astrup from Denmark and Professor Renée Blaauw from the University of Stellenbosch.

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RECORDING | Escherichia coli from a One Health perspective

By Food Focus on 05 October 2022

VIEW THE RECORDING | In this webinar we focus on some of the significant aspects of the microbiology, epidemiology, and host-pathogen interactions of E. coli in animals

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RECORDING | Reduce the risks of retail bulk milk

By Food Focus on 14 September 2022

VIEW THE RECORDING | The importance of control over milk as a perishable food product needs no emphasis. Retail bulk milk is known to be a product exposed to a higher degree of food safety risks. Find out more in this webinar with the DSA.

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RECORDING | What’s Next for Meat Analogue Products?

By Food Focus on 28 August 2022

VIEW THE RECORDING | Join us as we chat to legal eagle Janusz Luterek on what the court interdict means for plant-based producers and manufacturers, and to Donovan Will of ProVeg South Africa, on the ideal outcome for this sector.

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RECORDING | Foot and Mouth Disease-Practical considerations

By Food Focus on 22 August 2022

VIEW THE RECORDING | In view of the current high importance of FMD, it is appropriate for industry members to remain well informed regarding this highly contagious disease. Come listen to our experts addressing the issue

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RECORDING | Key areas of hygienic design

By Food Focus on 18 August 2022

VIEW THE RECORDING | Consistent action creates consistent results! This is especially true when it comes to the cleanliness of production lines to ensure food safety and quality of the finished product. Join us for more in this webinar.

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RECORDING | Small Business Risks: Identifying the major risks in Small Businesses

By Food Focus on 16 August 2022

VIEW THE RECORDING | This webinar Identifies the major risks in Small businesses. Expert Steyn Rossouw unpacks the different type of risks that small businesses are susceptible to, especially in today's unpredictable and challenging economy

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RECORDING | An Introduction to Biofilms in the Dairy Industry

By Food Focus on 01 August 2022

VIEW THE RECORDING | Biofilms in the dairy processing industry are a big concern, since they threaten the quality and safety of dairy products. Watch this recording for an information-packed discussion.

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RECORDING | Digging into the minds of our dairy consumers - with the SASDT

By Food Focus on 18 July 2022

VIEW THE RECORDING | Before jumping into the development of new products or deciding on a business strategy, it is important to understand what our consumers think and how they behave. Join us as we dig into the sales data and consumer beha

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RECORDING | Sustainability: An Operational Overview - with Intertek

By Food Focus on 05 July 2022

VIEW THE RECORDING | A tipping point has been reached in the world of sustainability, with organizations facing increasing challenges as well as consumer expectations of corporate responsibility. Join us as Thavan Naidoo, discusses the late

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RECORDING | Plant-based alternatives to dairy: threat or opportunity? A nutrition perspective

By Food Focus on 28 June 2022

VIEW THE RECORDING | This webinar explores how plant-based dairy alternatives fit into the recent plant-based diets, supporting vegan trends, healthier living and eating habits, and sustainability.

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RECORDING | Food Fraud: Corrective action and traceability - with Intertek

By Food Focus on 14 June 2022

VIEW THE RECORDING | As it is World Food Safety month, we will be focusing on Food fraud. Guest speaker Rika Kemp goes into more detail on the corrective action and traceability in Food Fraud.

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RECORDING | Mycotoxins in dairy: Know your risk

By Food Focus on 02 June 2022

VIEW THE RECORDING | The diet of a dairy cow is complex, being composed of various raw materials – what is the mycotoxin risk of these diets, and which raw materials carry the highest risk? What impact do these mycotoxins have on dairy cows

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RECORDING | The prudent use of antibiotics

By Food Focus on 29 April 2022

VIEW THE RECORDING | Join us for this webinar on the prudent use of antibiotics

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RECORDING | Biosecurity on dairy farms

By Food Focus on 06 April 2022

VIEW THE RECORDING: When people mention biosecurity, they almost always use the poultry and pig farms as the ideal model. Those systems work well for an enclosed piggery or poultry house, but it is impractical for a 200 hectare open grazing

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RECORDING | Get to know DSA better while exploring what’s new on the dairy regulatory front

By Food Focus on 21 February 2022

VIEW THE RECORDING | The DSA needs no formal introduction, but how well do you know this company and the major role it plays in the dairy industry? This webinar is an excellent opportunity to get acquainted with this established company and

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RECORDING | Cybersecurity for food safety - are you prepared?

By Food Focus on 11 January 2022

VIEW THE RECORDING | According to a recent Interpol report, cybercrime cost the South African economy 573 million USD in 2016 alone. Large businesses are not the only targets and almost half of known attacks are targeting small businesses a

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Packaging: A Journey to Sustainability

By Food Focus on 11 November 2021

VIEW THE RECORDING | With the recently implemented legislation requiring increased sustainability measures on all packaging, it not only forces manufacturers to comply but also requires forward & innovative thinking on a strategic packaging

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