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The truth about health hazards in the poultry industry - what's really happening to your workers - Part 3

By Guest Author on 19 September 2016

In part 3 of the article where we dig into the research conducted in the poultry industry by South African Leon Harmse, the conclusions of the review highlighted that management must take responsibility for the hazardous situations and rectify these.

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Are you covered for a recall?

By Guest Author on 19 September 2016

Product recalls happen daily around the globe. It is easy to be complacent about these incidents when it's not happening to you. But what will you do if you are the victim. This article looks at the current situation in South Africa. It also details insurance cover for recall. Ma

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The main differences between ISO 9001:2008 & ISO 9001:2015 | Part 1

By Linda Jackson on 18 September 2016

We have had the new version of ISO 9001 for several months. If you haven’t started with your 3 year transition, why not kick start it with this article.

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The main differences between ISO 9001:2008 and ISO 9001:2015 Part 2

By Linda Jackson on 18 September 2016

Some of the terminology in the new ISO 9001:2015 standard is unfamiliar. In this article we will help you understand context, interested parties and leadership.

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The main differences between ISO 9001:2008 and ISO 9001:2015 | Part 3

By Linda Jackson on 18 September 2016

ISO 9001 got a bad rap because of the need for documented procedures. Traditionally the interpretation has been a policy, procedure, work instruction and form for everything, including the tea lady. ISO 9001:2015 has a refreshingly different approach. We also discuss the approach

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Innovation and Risk Management Part 3 - Recall, the ultimate innovation failure

By Linda Jackson on 18 September 2016

As food safety professionals we utter the word recall with reverence. A withdrawal we can generally manage as it happens with little or no impact on Mrs Consumer. A recall however, can be the ultimate dent in consumer confidence and reduce not only new products but the existing b

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Industry is Reducing its Ecological Footprint

By Guest Author on 18 September 2016

What are some secrets to achieving greater financial success with lower production costs, improving product function and quality, and increasing market share? How do we improve environmental performance, develop better relationships with stakeholders, and lower risks? According t

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Information Security in the food industry is best served well done

By Guest Author on 18 September 2016

With so many advances in the food industry being driven by costly innovation and development, it is no secret that information has become more critical to the survival of a business than ever before.

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10 potholes CEO’s should watch out for in implementing a food safety management system | Part 2

By Linda Jackson on 17 September 2016

You have don’t countless internet searches on tips for easy food safety management system implementation – you haven’t found any. We are all looking for the magic formula for implementing a food safety management system. In part 2 of this article we continue to chat about how NOT

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10 potholes CEO’s should watch out for when implementing a food safety management system | Part 1

By Linda Jackson on 17 September 2016

You have don’t countless internet searches on tips for easy food safety management system implementation – you haven’t found any. We are all looking for the magic formula for implementing a food safety management system. After doing this for over 10 years I am afraid to say there

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Comparing best practice requirements for supplier quality assurance: BRC vs IFS vs SQF vs FSSC 22000.

By Linda Jackson on 17 September 2016

One of the frustrating things in any management system standard is that the requirements are generic. Sometimes it would be so much easier if they just told you exactly what you need to do. We put together a table of some of the most popular GFSI benchmarked standards to assist y

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Three reasons you want a team for food safety

By Linda Jackson on 17 September 2016

ISO 22000 is unique in that it requires the establishment of a food safety team. Of course this is due to the inclusion of Codex Alimentarius HACCP principles. Codex recommends a multi disciplinary team that have product and process knowledge to be able to identify any hazards

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Innovation and Risk Management Part 1 - New Product Development

By Linda Jackson on 17 September 2016

A trip down any supermarket aisle will confirm the results of innovation in the food industry. More product choices, more convenience foods and novel packaging ideas. Some products may fail, some products strike it rich. It’s all a bit of a gamble, it’s all about taking the right

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Cleaning without water in the food industry – pie in the sky?

By Linda Jackson on 17 September 2016

I experienced nothing short of a paradigm shock recently, when a client warned me prior to the audit of their facility, saying “we clean using water every 3 months”. My reaction was...

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Getting the food safety team working – what should they be doing

By Linda Jackson on 17 September 2016

Signing up as a food safety team member should not be a death sentence. Make sure the team know exactly what is requires of them by developing a clear letter of appointment which spells out responsibilities, deliverables and time frames. We show you what should be included.

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Innovation and Risk Management Part 2 - Using ISO 9001 and ISO 22000 to manage food safety risks

By Linda Jackson on 17 September 2016

New products can fail for many reasons – one being a quality or food safety defect. In part 2 on managing risk in innovation, we explore these requirements of ISO 9001 and ISO 22000 and provide you with practical tools for how to manage the risks. Read more…

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Management of allergens in the food industry – still a hot topic

By Guest Author on 17 September 2016

Managing allergens is not a topic that has gone out of date, it is still relevant and essential. We need to continue talking about it and implementing the appropriate controls for responsible management. This article reminds us of the fundamentals you should have in place

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Take the environmental test

By Linda Jackson on 17 September 2016

We have all seen the photos on some TV programme about the masses of waste that is going to landfill daily, polluting rivers and the sea. What is you company doing about this? It’s not as difficult as you think. This article provides you with a handy checklist for audit your faci

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What should you being doing about the water crisis?

By Linda Jackson on 17 September 2016

So with water restrictions looming again we take a look at what you can do about this crisis. Use our handy checklist to make sure you have considered easy to implement practices

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War on waste water in dairy processing

By Linda Jackson on 17 September 2016

In a country where water is such a precious commodity, the need to more to use this resources responsibly is obvious. Check your performance against best practice industry guidelines developed by the World Bank and IFC.

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