Processors & Manufacturers

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Your search returned (162) results.

Are your employees spending too much time on smoke breaks?

By Guest Author on 03 February 2017

Many employers who allow smoking in the workplace often complain about the amount of productivity that's lost because of the frequent smoke breaks employees take. Here are five tips you can use to control the smoke breaks your employee takes.

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How to pass a customer audit

By Linda Jackson on 01 February 2017

You are a supplier to retail… or you are intending on becoming one. You need survival tips for the audit that is looming. Well here we go!

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ISO 9001 - So where are you in your transition?

By Linda Jackson on 01 February 2017

We have had the new version of ISO 9001 for well over a year, which means it is no longer new! So where are you in the transition process – hopefully you have a plan? If not, this article offers some suggestions for 2017. (Bottom line: You have a three-year transition period!)

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By Linda Jackson on 01 February 2017

Have you ever wondered how long your need to keep your compliance records? We have put together some guidelines according to legislation - so make sure you tick the boxes!

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HACCP is Basic

By Guest Author on 26 January 2017

Why food safety you may ask? Well, we can explain the urgency and motivation for food safety management systems (FSMS) very easily - it's a matter of life and death. We need food manufacturers as well as regulatory authorities to plan and regulate the food safety of food products

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The Basics of Lockout/Tagout Compliance - Part 1

By Guest Author on 26 January 2017

In part 1 of a two-part series about lockout/tagout compliance, the author examines the importance of lockout/tagout and the components of an effective program.

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Lockout/tagout Programs falling short in Food Industry

By Guest Author on 17 January 2017

Although this article highlights statistics from the USA, the concerns are valid in the South African food industry too. This should make you think and having you reaching for your safety file to ensure you have a lock out procedure.

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ISO 9001:2015: Avoiding nonconformities during the transition

By Guest Author on 06 December 2016

The anticipated release later this year of the revised version of ISO 9001:2015—“Quality management systems—Requirements,” has many organizations asking what the revision will mean for them.

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What's in your safety file?

By Linda Jackson on 05 December 2016

What information do you need in your safety file? Here’s a handy checklist developed by the experts

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OHS Systems - Why on earth do we need them?

By Linda Jackson on 28 November 2016

If you read our article on the documentation you should have enough in place to demonstrate due diligence and compliance with the Occupational Health and Safety Act, and you might be wondering why on earth would you need to do anything more, but ...

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By Linda Jackson on 16 November 2016

Discover the legislation that related to mushroom growing, canning, slicing, packing and exporting in South Africa.

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Diabetes Toolbox Talk

By Guest Author on 14 November 2016

This month is national diabetes month. Need a toolbox talk to highlight the seriousness of the condition at work? Here we go.

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10 Steps to health and safety - Part 2

By Linda Jackson on 08 November 2016

In the first part of this article we helped you with identifying risks and training your employees. Learn more in the next 5 steps.

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By Linda Jackson on 04 November 2016

Regulation No. R. 1086 of 3 November 2006 REGULATIONS RELATING TO STERILISING PLANTS, under the FERTILIZERS, FARM FEEDS, AGRICULTURAL REMEDIES AND STOCK REMEDIES ACT, 1947 (ACT NO. 36 OF 1947) deals with the feed and food safety aspects. for rendering facilities.

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By Linda Jackson on 04 November 2016

Most rendering plants are considered the orphan of the abattoir – a place where angels fear to tread. During a recent HACCP audit in one such facility, I was surprised to discover a very comprehensive regulation dealing specifically with this often-forgotten department. Even if y

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A guide to health and safety in the manufacturing sector

By Linda Jackson on 30 October 2016

Whether you are processing milk into cheese or manufacturing chocolate pudding, your work environment includes a host of hazardous equipment such as man eating mixers, finger chopping bowl cutters and more knives than a second grade karate movie. The Department of labour’s views

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Key performance indicators for your suppliers

By Linda Jackson on 30 October 2016

They tell me you can’t manage what you can’t measure! So what about implementing a supplier scorecard for supplier performance measurement? In this article we discuss some key measurements based on best practice.

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Starting the Journey to ISO 9001 Certification Part 3

By Linda Jackson on 30 October 2016

In the third part of this series, Chris explains process management. This is an area where many food companies go wrong as process management is much more than production processes. How to define the process, how to develop the top level of documentation, what can you exclude fro

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What the HLS actually means to you? Less is more

By Linda Jackson on 30 October 2016

We constantly complain about the number of standards we have to comply with. It’s an international problem. So finally we have a solution on the horizon for some standard. It’s the ISO HLS. We explain the acronym and what it means to you in practice.

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Surprise surprise…it has to taste good.

By Linda Jackson on 30 October 2016

There has been increasing focus on food safety is the past decade and rightly so. But what about the quality of the product? If we are only doing micro testing but no taste testing we are going to start experiencing problems according to the experts.

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