Processors & Manufacturers

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Your search returned (162) results.

Ecology of Listeria spp. and Listeria monocytogenes - Significance in Dairy Production

By Food Focus on 31 October 2019

The International Dairy Federation has published new guidance outlining additional actions that can be taken in the production process to minimise risk of Listeria contamination in dairy products.

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Your Microbiology Testing Guide

By SMT LABS Pty Ltd on 09 September 2019

As a testing laboratory, we often get asked the question: What should I test for? Although there is legislation and guidelines that specific industries should adhere to, there are also basic guidelines to help you ensure that your product and facility complies with good hygiene a

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By Dairy Standard Agency on 04 September 2019

The Dairy Standards Agency has updated their combined list of legislation and standards applicable to milk and dairy products for the South African industry.

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10 Documents You Need When Applying for a Certificate of Acceptability

By Adele Krogh on 26 July 2019

Here are some of the examples of supporting documentation which the EHP might require from you when applying for a Certificate of Acceptability. It's better to be prepared!

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Important parameters to measure for meat processors

By Testo South Africa SANAS Calibration Lab JHB on 19 July 2019

The challenges meat processors face have increased in the past years: regulations, documentation, hygiene checks, official assessments, operative self-checks, HACCP system - the requirements have been drastically tightened.

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8 Things to Consider When Designing Food Processing Plants | EBOOK

By on 18 July 2019

8 Things to Consider When Designing Food Processing Plants for Optimum Hygiene and Food Safety - Download the EBook now.

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Warehousing and distribution – the moving link in the food chain

By SYSPRO Pty Ltd on 24 June 2019

So, what does it take to be a reputable distributor who is dedicated to and consistently apply food safety best practices throughout their operations — from truck to warehouse to delivery

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Understanding chemical hazards in lubricants and other non-food compounds – Part 2

By Ulli Gerntholtz of NSF on 30 November 2018

Implementing HACCP in processed meat products - it’s not just about Listeria

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BRC Issue 8 - What is in store

By Ulli Gerntholtz of NSF on 25 October 2018

The British retail consortium (BRC) food safety standard is one of the oldest and most widely used retail food safety standards. The latest revision (Issue 8) was published August 2018 and this article outlines the most important changes you should implement as soon as possible.

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Inadequate Cooking and Handling Partly to Blame for Persistent Salmonella Illnesses in Canada

By Guest Author on 19 September 2018

Over the past 16 months, the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) reports that health officials in Canada have identified hundreds of laboratory-confirmed human illnesses associated with...

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How to Survive Your Worst Food Safety Nightmare

By Guest Author on 10 September 2018

Bad news travels faster than a Salmonella outbreak on the 4th of July. That’s why when a food safety crisis hits, or any situation that challenges the safety or quality of your product, it’s essential to respond immediately.

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Harmonizing Produce Safety Standards Relieves Audit Fatigue

By Guest Author on 22 July 2018

The USDA and FDA on June 5 aligned the USDA Harmonized GAP audit with the FDA’s Produce Safety Rule to both streamline audits for farmers and assure them that private audits are consistent with federal produce safety rules.

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International registration for your cleaning products – now a reality in South Africa.

By Ulli Gerntholtz of NSF on 18 July 2018

Ever wonder if the cleaners you are using in your food or production facility are safe? This article will help you understand what to look for when sourcing chemicals. We explain product registration (how it works and why it is an important component of a food safety program), th

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Food Fraud Requires Companies to Think Like a Criminal

By Guest Author on 21 May 2018

Mitigating the risk requires implementing control measures and establishing traceability systems.

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Recalls, emotions and customer requirements

By Guest Author on 27 March 2018

In some situations in life we have a fight or flight reaction - even in business and our professional life. And then there is the Listeriosis saga in our industry. Interesting times. We want to protect our end consumer and brand name at nearly all costs... so we recall.

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Keeping Listeria out of your production facility

By Guest Author on 15 February 2018

With the Listeriosis break out being a world record in terms of numbers reported, we as food professionals need to proactive. Ready to eat foods have been named as a high risk, but we should all be doing whatever we can to ensure we manage the risks in all facilities, to the best

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Sanitary Design of Food Equipment

By Guest Author on 12 February 2018

Have you ever asked yourself: How do I clean this equipment? How did this equipment get here? Does my boss know how much time it takes to clean and sanitize this equipment properly? Do engineers understand the food safety risk?

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Risk-Based Thinking

By Guest Author on 06 December 2017

Mastering risk-based thinking will allow any organization to fully understand their current situation, identify risks and opportunities and effectively manage them. Risk-based thinking refers to thinking ahead of a situation ....

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The Benefits of Integrated Management Systems

By Guest Author on 05 December 2017

There comes a point in the development of many organisations when they need to obtain some form of certification, and for the majority they will probably implement a management system for either Quality or Health & Safety. There then follows...

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How to give your thermometer a health check

By Linda Jackson on 20 November 2017

Did you know you need to test your thermometer’s temperature? Seems a strange concept when the purpose of the instrument is to measure temperature, but the point is to verify that your thermometer is maintaining temperatures between regular calibrations.

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