Processors & Manufacturers

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Starting the Journey to ISO 9001 Certification Part 2

By Chris Anderson on 30 October 2016

In Part 2 of this series, Chris continues with the Foundation Phase of the setting up your ISO 9001 quality management system. What does “context mean in ISO 9001, why must the requirements of interested parties be defined, how should communication be addressed? These requirement

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Starting the Journey to ISO 9001 Certification Part 1

By Guest Author on 30 October 2016

Creating ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management Systems (QMS) that fulfills the requirements of the ISO Standard can seem like a daunting task. But it doesn’t have to be. Creating an ISO 9001-based QMS should be done like all projects. Priorities need to be established, responsibilitie

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Practical allergen control measures – we ask the expert - Part 2

By Guest Author on 30 October 2016

Allergen management is not just about sticking a “may contain…” label on products. A formal documented control system should be in place addressing each step in the process from receiving through to dispatch. There are some tricky areas that needs more in-depth discussion. We ask

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Bakery safety hazards – how you can beat them

By Linda Jackson on 30 October 2016

The smell of warm baked bread can dull one’s senses but this should not be case when identifying hazards in the workplace. Our walkabout highlighted a few too many. We put them to music! See how you can improve safety in your bakery while humming a tune.

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5 tips for making the most of safety posters

By Linda Jackson on 30 October 2016

They say a picture says a thousand words. Safety posters are a great way to communicate a message and reach a large number of people without actually having to speak to each individual person on a daily basis. But make sure you use them in the right way. Here are some key tips yo

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Practical allergen control measures – we ask the expert - Part 1

By Guest Author on 25 October 2016

Food recalls happen daily. These are reported and published in the US. An analysis of a sample of recalls reported recently in the US showed that more than 60% were due to the presence of undeclared allergens. This is a topic which needs to be given high level attention by food m

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Latex Allergy in the Food Industry

By Guest Author on 24 October 2016

Are your gloves making you sick? In this article, South African allergy expert Dr Harris Steinman helps us to understand the issues with latex sensitivities and the implications for the food industry.

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General Code of Practice for Medical Surveillance

By Guest Author on 24 October 2016

Have you been looking for an example of a standard operating procedure for medical surveillance? Here we go – this will be a useful guideline to help you set up your procedure.

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Sustainability for the long haul - a case study special edition

By Guest Author on 19 October 2016

Sustainable manufacturing and processing, which reduces raw materials waste and minimizes refuse, is more than a passing trend for companies both large and small during this economic recession. As companies using such practices see it, sustainability attracts consumers. But more

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Food testing: How to select a contract laboratory Part 3

By Guest Author on 19 September 2016

So how should a food processor select a laboratory to support their operations? In part 3 of this series, we discuss what you should look out for as warning signs that a lab will not be the correct choice.

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Future-Focused Food Safety: Are Environmental Chemical Hazards overlooked?

By Guest Author on 19 September 2016

Food safety (HACCP) plans assess and manage food safety risks from biological, physical and chemical hazards. The emphasis is on hazards that cause short term harm.

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ISO 22000 compliance without loss of productivity

By Guest Author on 19 September 2016

How can an industrial engineer assist you in keeping the costs of implementing a food safety and quality management system as low as possible. This article gives us some points to consider.

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A new version of ISO 22000 is on its way - what's in store?

By Guest Author on 19 September 2016

A working group has begun the revision of ISO 22000. So what’s in store? Cosmetic changes or requirements that will make food safer?

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Are food producers and retailers taking enough due diligence in auditing packaging suppliers?

By Guest Author on 19 September 2016

While a growing number of food producers and retailers are requiring packaging suppliers to be Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point compliant, many of these companies may not be taking enough due diligence in auditing their suppliers. This article highlights what you should

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Food testing: How to select a contract laboratory Part 1

By Guest Author on 19 September 2016

Most food, beverage and ingredient manufacturers need outside laboratory support at some time or another. In part 1 of this series we discuss what to consider when selecting a laboratory.

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Food testing: How to select a contract laboratory Part 2

By Guest Author on 19 September 2016

Most food, beverage and ingredient manufacturers need outside laboratory support at some time or another. In part 2 of this series we discuss what to audit when considering a laboratory.

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Is increasing obesity contributing to the water shortage - virtual water in the food basket

By Guest Author on 19 September 2016

With water restrictions looming yet again, the question has to be asked - what is the food industry doing about this scarce and precious resource. Well firstly - do you know how much you are using and how much you are wasting in your process?

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The truth about health hazards in the poultry industry - what's really happening to your workers - Part 2

By Guest Author on 19 September 2016

In part 2 of the article where we dig into the review on occupational ergonomic hazards research conducted on the poultry industry by South African Leon Harmse, we review what are the physical and ergonomic hazardous practices and where they originate from. You will identify pote

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Shocking health revelations from workers in the poultry industry

By Guest Author on 19 September 2016

South African Leon Harmse, conducted an extensive review of related physical and ergonomic impacts entitled “The Impact of Physical and Ergonomic Hazards on Poultry Abattoir Processing Workers”. The following shocking revelations were made by workers interviewed by the reviewed r

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The truth about health hazards in the poultry industry - what is really happening to your workers - Part 1

By Guest Author on 19 September 2016

What are the real issues in occupational health and safety in the poultry industry? An extensive review titled The Impact of Physical and Ergonomic Hazards on Poultry Abattoir Processing Workers: A Review was conducted by Leon Harmse as part of a his doctorate thesis and in this

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