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Safety Maturity: 3 Crucial Elements of Best-in-Class Safety - Part 3

By Guest Author on 10 July 2017

In part 3 of this article we look at one of the significant challenges for manufacturers - determining how to bridge the disconnect between engineering and EHS. Often, the larger the company, the larger the gulf is between these two groups.

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Raw Materials: Selection, Specifications, Certificate of Analysis Part 2

By Guest Author on 07 July 2017

Raw materials (ingredients, processing aids, and packaging materials) are the foundation of finished food products. As such, they must meet regulatory requirements (safe and legal for your intended use) and your specifications (contribute to the functionality and quality of your

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Factors to Consider in Choosing a Testing Laboratory

By Guest Author on 03 July 2017

Choosing an analytical testing laboratory or the type of test methods to confirm or identify the condition of a food or beverage product is not an easy task. Decisions need to be made on the types of testing that are appropriate or necessary; whether to perform the testing onesel

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Raw Materials: Selection, Specifications, Certificate of Analysis Part 1

By Guest Author on 30 June 2017

Raw materials (ingredients, processing aids, and packaging materials) are the foundation of finished food products. As such, they must meet regulatory requirements (safe and legal for your intended use) and your specifications (contribute to the functionality and quality of your

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Safety Maturity: 3 Crucial Elements of Best-in-Class Safety - Part 1

By Guest Author on 27 June 2017

Find out how your company measures up when it comes to safety.The human cost of occupational accidents is vast. Worker safety is a fundamental human need and requirement in industrial settings. It protects workers, prevents unnecessary downtime and satisfies standards compliance.

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Small supplier special Getting to grips with the CGCSA-GFSI Global markets programme

By Linda Jackson on 21 June 2017

The Global Markets Programme, an initiative of the Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI), is a capacity building programme specifically designed for small and/or less developed businesses. This programme was also adopted by the CGCSA in collaboration with participating South Afric

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What are Ten Common Ways to Improve Your QMS

By Guest Author on 19 June 2017

For any QMS to improve, it is essential that everyone is committed to seeking problems, evaluating efficiency and effectiveness of processes and implementing better and improved ideas. Management should be the first to make this commitment and if management “walks the talk” then

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What should a Quality Control Manager be doing?

By Linda Jackson on 14 June 2017

A recent discussion prompted a thorough investigation of the differences between quality control and quality assurance. According to the American Society for Quality, Quality assurance and quality control are two aspects of quality management

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Personal Hygiene: A Basic Prerequisite Program for Ensuring Food Safety

By Guest Author on 09 June 2017

Personal hygiene is (or should be) an integral part of the food quality and safety for each and every food processor.

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Scheduled downtime

By Guest Author on 08 June 2017

Equipment breakdowns seem to happen at the worst of times, usually delaying customer orders. When they do occur, there is a rush to be back in production quickly, sometimes with temporary repairs. But without downtime, cleaning of food-contact surfaces is just not possible and cr

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Exploring Quality Control and Quality Assurance

By Guest Author on 26 May 2017

Quality Control and Quality Assurance are both aspects of an organization’s quality management system (QMS), and even though they are closely related concepts, they are different in many ways. Understanding their differences is fundamental for any organization to effectively mana

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The Cost of Pollution: 1.7 Million Children Dead Each Year

By Guest Author on 26 May 2017

Every year, environmental risks – such as indoor and outdoor air pollution, secondhand smoke, unsafe water, lack of sanitation and inadequate hygiene – take the lives of 1.7 million children under age 5, say two new reports from the World Health Organization (WHO)

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The do’s and don’ts of food plant personal hygiene practices

By Guest Author on 25 May 2017

Good personal hygiene policies and practices are the foundation for successful food safety and quality assurance in all food manufacturing facilities. Plant personnel are among the most significant reservoirs and vectors of microorganisms, chemical residues and foreign materials

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Is Your Sanitation Program Starting on the Right Foot?

By Guest Author on 17 May 2017

Cross-contamination can occur at any point in the food production process, making it imperative for processing facilities to be proactive in preventing pathogens from entering and spreading throughout the facility. Often overlooked, cross-contamination from footwear can come from

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By Linda Jackson on 17 May 2017

So how do you know the grade of the apple you are munching on? Or the steak you enjoyed last night? Did you pay a fair price for the quality of the product you were sold? Well, that’s how the Agricultural Product standards Act protects you as a consumer.

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Cleaning Compendium

By Linda Jackson on 16 May 2017

I have recently being doing a lot of cleaning at food facilities. It’s a long story….but I have learnt a few valuable lessons in the process. It’s one thing to make the audit finding another thing completely to take the corrective action. I have done a lot of research recently to

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Listeria hysteria

By Linda Jackson on 15 May 2017

There was a great response to our recent article on Listeria. Needless to say it has been a very topical issue in the last two months. We have done a lot of research on how to eradicate the problem and have come across some great resources to share with you.

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A uniform approach to HACCP

By Guest Author on 11 May 2017

Under HACCP, it is every manufacturer’s prerogative to rank the severity of the physical, chemical and microbial dangers in a process. While uniforms and garments are not likely the weakest link for a business in which food safety is imperative, operators should recognize the ris

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Assuring Water Quality and Safety in Food Processing (Part 4)

By Guest Author on 10 May 2017

Most people take water for granted. But it is a valuable asset, particularly within the food processing industry and Part 4 of this article considers how to interpret your water quality results

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The risk of biofilms to the food processing industry (Part 2)

By Guest Author on 05 May 2017

Biofilms represent a significant hygiene risk to the food processing industry. In Part 2 of this article we will look at Biofilm Detection and Treatment

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