Food Focus Newsletter 16 of 2024

By: Food Focus on 11 September 2024

Food Focus Newsletter 16 of 2024


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As spring arrives, it's the perfect time to refresh and invigorate your food and beverage offerings and to renew your commitment to food safety. This last quarter of the year brings a wave of new trends, ingredients, and opportunities for innovation as we head into summer. 

Happy reading!
Featured Article

One-Stop Lab Testing

From staple crops to animal feed and irrigation water, food safety testing is essential for ensuring product quality and safety within the dynamic and consumer-driven food market. As businesses rapidly advance their products from farm to market, maintaining robust testing and compliance often poses significant challenges. One-stop lab testing solutions can streamline the microbiology testing industry and enhance market growth for enterprises.
Discover more on One StopTesting Solutions
Featured Webinar

Let's Explore the Dairy Matrix

The Dairy Matrix concept highlights how dairy foods like milk, cheese, and yoghurt have health effects that extend beyond the sum of their individual nutrients. Research now recognizes that the unique interaction between the components in dairy results in multiple health benefits, which cannot be attributed to isolated nutrients alone.

This presentation will explore the Food Matrix model, focusing on its application to dairy. It will explain how the structure and nutrient interactions within dairy contribute to its broad spectrum of positive health outcomes, making dairy an essential component of healthy diets.

Featured News

The latest from the industry

South Africans can now be rewarded
for choosing healthier products

Pick n Pay's Smart Shopper loyalty programme has launched a new benefit to encourage healthier eating habits among its more than 11 million active members. The free-to-join Pick n Pay Live Well Club will give customers triple Smart Shopper points on over 1,000 Live Well Club-approved products and 15% off discount vouchers to redeem on the items they buy most often. 

“Consumers are increasingly looking to lead healthier lives without breaking the bank. This allows our customers to be rewarded for making healthier choices just by swiping their Smart Shopper card,” says Tessa Chamberlain, Marketing Director at Pick n Pay.


Building environmental sustainability in
ecommerce through smart shipping software


The excitement is building as RCL FOODS proudly announces the semi-finalists for the highly anticipated RCL FOODS Young Chefs & Bakers Challenge, showcasing the skills, creativity, and passion of the next generation of culinary talent from across South Africa.

This year’s competition is fiercer than ever, with teams of two young chefs competing in three regional clusters, representing the top culinary schools in the country. The semi-finals take place at Maker’s Landing in Cape Town, Capsicum Culinary Studio in Pretoria and Capsicum Culinary Studio in Durban, providing the perfect stage for these talented chefs to showcase their abilities.

The stakes are high, with a total of R70 000 in cash prizes up for grabs. The winning team will walk away with an impressive R30 000 plus R5 000 for their school, while the second and third place teams will receive R20 000 and R15 000 respectively. In addition to these cash prizes, the dessert course winners will receive an all-inclusive Chocolate 2.0 course at the Chocolate Academy valued at R11 700, sponsored by Callebaut Chocolate

Interesting developments

What we've been reading...

STEC outbreak highlights deficiencies in test methods - Chilled Food Association

EU Listeria regulation change confirmed - Chilled Food Association

And closer to home

Ensuring compliance and safety at EnviroServ through global and local regulations

Parliament portfolio committee not happy with how fishing rights are allocate

Dramatic avocado growth in Southern Cape sharpens export focus

Listeriosis in the News

Listeriosis tragedy ‘breakthrough’ evidence makes ‘overwhelming’ case Tiger Brands was responsible – lawyers

On the couch: Carte Blanche – Listeriosis class action
Supplier News

In Our Supplier Directory

This month's featured categories are
 Pest Control  |   Laboratory Services  Cleaning Services 

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