Food Focus Newsletter 13 of 2024

By: Food Focus on 30 July 2024

Food Focus Newsletter 13 of 2024


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In interesting news: The President announced his new cabinet of Ministers recently, and during this speech he advised that “The ministry of Agriculture will be separated from the ministry of Land Reform and Rural Development.”

The ministers for these departments are: John Steenhuisen ( Minister of Agriculture) and Mzwanele  Nyhontso (Minister of Land Reform and Rural Development).

There have not been any changes on their website yet, but we will keep you updated as we hear more.
Calf Rearing Challenges & Consumer Demands
by Izak Hofmeyr
“We are all schizophrenic – responsible citizens on one hand and consumers on the other. In theory, we would be willing to pay more for responsibly produced food, but when we are in the supermarket we tend to choose the lowest priced food items.
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