Food Focus Newsletter 9 of 2024

By: Food Focus on 28 May 2024

Food Focus Newsletter 9 of 2024


It's time to exercise your democratic right -
Voting day is just 1 day away!

As South Africa conducts its seventh democratic elections tomorrow, voters will receive three ballot papers instead of two. The Electoral Commission (IEC) urges voters to mark each ballot carefully, ensuring only one mark per ballot, to avoid spoiling their vote.

Voters are urged to familiarise themselves
with three ballot papers.

World Food Safety Day - 7 June 2024 -
a significant event just 10 days away!

THEME: “Food safety: prepare for the unexpected”
SLOGAN: “Food Safety is everyone’s business”
FAO & WHO - There are five calls to action on World Food Safety Day:
1. Ensure it’s safe - Governments must ensure safe and nutritious food for all
2. Grow it safe - Agriculture and food producers need to adopt good practices
3. Keep it safe - Business operators must make sure food is safe
4. Know what’s safe - Consumers need to learn about safe and healthy food
5. Team up for food safety – Let’s work together for safe food and good health!

What are you doing for World Food Safety Day (WFSD) this year?
By showcasing your initiatives in our July Food & Beverage Reporter(FBR)—World Food Safety Day 2024 summary, you'll reach a wide audience and contribute to the global food safety conversation.
You need to provide us with:
  • An article of 350-400 words.     
  • Article to support the theme or slogan for WFSD.
  • Your company Logo and contact details.
  •  2 images to showcase your event.
  •  Copy for a social media post on FBR.
Your SPECIAL OFFER includes: 
  • A4 article.
  • 1 Social post on FBR social media platforms.
  • Your article in FBR will be mentioned in Food Focus July newsletter.
  • Email to place your order.
SPONSORS - Food Safety Summit - 
4 & 5 June 2024
PARTICIPANT - Food Safety Summit - 
4 & 5 June 2024
RECORDING - Webinar 15 May 2024 
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