Pest control is a significant component of any food safety audit, besides this being a legal requirement. Often the pest control contractor is blamed for nonconformances, but is this fair? This series of articles looks at the requirements on both sides. This week we look at the responsibilities of the client – YOU.
Starting with the English word ‘pests’ in relation to food. The term “pests” includes lifeforms (like insects, rodents, birds, domestic animals, etc.) that could enter or infest a food establishment, creating a potential source of microbiological and physical hazards. Once pests have gained entry to a building, food establishments provide safety from predators, shelter, warmth, food, and water. In other words, food production facilities hold the ideal conditions for the survival and proliferation of pests. Recall that like the incident in January 2014, where the USDA ordered Foster Farms (a poultry producer) to suspend operations due to cockroaches in the plant, pests can result in enormous risks regarding product safety and company reputation if not correctly managed. More so, proper pest management is essential in manufacturing and storage facilities of the establishment. Staff should feel empowered to remain vigilant as management rely heavily on them to report any pest activities/traces of pest activities seen in and around the factory.
Requisites for pest control recur in the legislation of various countries as well as most certification requirements. Furthermore, it is often overlooked that HACCP is contingent of the effective implementation of pre-requisite programs such as pest control. To prevent unwanted incidences the requirements should be based on preventative (rather than solely reactive) measures. Examples of preventing contamination caused by pests could include, screen doors, walls with no cracks, rodent boxes, keeping a record of any pest sightings as well as appropriately dealing with food waste to prevent harbourage for pests.
Throughout all stages of production (and even the food supply chain), it is advisable to maintain all materials and equipment, in appropriate conditions to protect against pest-related contamination. A preventative pest management plan is a Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP), that should form part of your food safety plan.
Think about evaluating your pest management strategy by taking the HACCP principles and applying them to your pest control program. Remember to evaluate the entire plant environment, including storage facilities, for potential pest infestations
Your facility is unique and so are its pests. “Just like food pathogens, pests common in food facilities differ in terms of their food source, preferred habitat, and life span.” With the variety of conditions, products, climates and staff, it’s impossible to have a one-size-fits-all approach towards pest management. Like each establishment in the food industry, pest management programs need to suit the facilities that they are used in.
This can be overwhelming if you have a limited background in pest control and let’s face it, you probably have other things on that audit checklist that need your attention. The sensible choice would be to consult with a company that has the necessary knowledge and experience in this field. Not only can they advise on sustainable products to use, they will know how much when and where. Your company needs to work alongside a pest management provider to tailor an IPC program that will meet the unique needs of your facility.
By Jesse Kelfkens - 21 February 2020
1. Driscoll, B. (2021). Getting It Right: Pest Control Management using HACCP Principles - Global Food Safety Resource [Internet document]. Global Food Safety ResourcesURL Accessed 01/03/2021.
2. Joyce, A. (2020). Considerations for Effective Pest Control Management – Safefood 360° [Internet document]. Safefood 360URL Accessed 01/03/2021.
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Pest control is a significant component of any food safety audit, besides this being a legal requirement. Often the pest control contractor is blamed ...
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Pest control is a significant component of any food safety audit, besides this being a legal requirement. Often the pest control contractor is blamed ...
By Guest Author on 22 April 2021
Pest control is a significant component of any food safety audit, besides this being a legal requirement. Often the pest control contractor is blamed ...