The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus (severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2), prompted a global heightened awareness of hand hygiene, with a specific focus on proper handwashing and the use of hand sanitisers to limit the spread of the virus. Considering the dramatic increase in the usage of hand sanitisers among South African consumers, the need was identified to develop a better understanding of South African consumers’ usage behaviour and perceptions regarding hand sanitisers, but also to assess their knowledge about its proper use.
In April to June 2021 the Bureau for Food and Agricultural Policy (BFAP) and the Plant Pathology Division within the Department of Plant and Soil Sciences at the University of Pretoria, conducted primary consumer research among a socio-economically disaggregated sample of 830 consumers, with three sub-groupings: low-income, middle-income and affluent consumers. This article presents key results from this survey, with a specific focus on hand sanitiser purchasing behaviour, brand preferences, typical hand sanitising frequency, product consistency preferences, hand sanitising behaviour when shopping, the perceived importance of hand sanitiser product attributes and consumers’ perceptions regarding hand sanitisers.
Figure 1: Preferences for handwashing versus hand sanitiser |
Most respondents (80%) wash their hands more often at present compared to before the COVID-19 pandemic.
Figure 2: Typical hand sanitiser purchase frequency |
Across the socio-economic spectrum, the dominant hand sanitiser purchase locations were large chain pharmacies and retailer chain stores.
Strong brand preferences were limited, with only 18% of the total sample ‘always’ preferring a particular hand sanitiser brand. The majority of the sample (55%) did not have any specific hand sanitiser brand preferences. Preferring a specific hand sanitiser brand (‘always’ or ‘sometimes’ combined) was significantly more prominent among middle-income and affluent respondents.
Overall, the occasional reading of hand sanitiser labels was dominant (52% of respondents) followed by ‘never’ (31)%. Only 17% of respondents indicated that they always read the information on hand sanitiser labels. Middle-income and affluent respondents indicated a larger tendency to read the detailed information on hand sanitiser labels than low-income consumers]. The highly technical nature of hand sanitiser ingredient lists could be a limiting factor in this regard.
Respondents’ knowledge regarding specific ingredients of hand sanitisers focused mainly on alcohol (mentioned by 54%), water (28%), ethanol (13%), glycerine (13%) and fragrance/perfume (11%).
When asked about the recommended alcohol percentage in hand sanitisers, a larger number of middle-income and affluent respondents indicated “70% alcohol content’ (62% and 57% respectively) compared to low-income respondents (32%).
Hand sanitising frequency increased significantly with lower socio-economic status:
Low-income: 15 times / day | Middle-income: 13 times / day | Affluent: 10 times / day |
Several respondents indicated that their hand sanitising frequency depended on whether they left home or not. The less frequent hand sanitising of affluent consumers could possibly be linked to ‘working from home’ conditions, while middle-income and low-income consumers are more likely to not be able to work from home.
No strongly dominant hand sanitiser (HS) option was observed, with no statistically significant differences between the socio-economic sub-groups:
Prefer liquid HS: 38% | Prefer gel HS: 34% | Indifferent: 29% |
Figure 3: Hand sanitising behaviour when shopping |
When shopping, do respondents sanitise their hands with the sanitiser provided by the store or hand sanitiser that is provided by themselves?
HS provided by store: 56% | bring and use own: 11% | Indifferent: 33% |
A statistically significant larger share of low-income respondents (72%) uses hand sanitiser provided by the store, while a significant larger share of affluent and middle-income respondents (46% and 39%) use both options.
Price, smell and consistency were the three dominant hand sanitiser attributes valued by consumers. Middle-income and affluent respondents generally valued the various hand sanitiser attributes the most.
Figure 4: Overview of the perceived importance of hand sanitiser attributes
(Source: Survey results)
Figure 5: Perceptions regarding hand sanitisers |
The complexity of consumers’ perceptions and concerns regarding hand sanitisers was evident from respondent remarks such as the following
In general, when purchasing and using hand sanitisers, smell, price, consistency (i.e. liquid or gel), product safety and effectiveness are important to consumers.
Consumer education related to hand sanitisers should focus on the recommendations as set out by the World Health Organisation (WHO):
As set out by the South African National Standard (SANS 490:2020) on alcohol-based hand sanitisers, the following information should be indicated on every bottle of hand sanitiser:
Dr Hester Vermeulen 1, Dr Willeke De Bruin 2 & Prof Lise Korsten 2
1 Bureau for Food and Agricultural Policy (BFAP)
2 Department of Plant and Soil Sciences, University of Pretoria
Project funding provided by the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF)’s One Health for Change programme, the Inter-Academy Partnership (IAP) and the Department of Science and Innovation-National Research Foundation (DSI-NRF) Centre of Excellence in Food Security