3 February 10am
2021 dawned with COVID-19 still dominating the media much to our collective dismay. The reality seems that this is with us for a while and as such as cannot let down our guard. In fact, we need to review our control measures as the food industry and ensure we stay vigilant.
We chatted to Jane Nock Chief Technical Food Science Officer at In2 Foods about their experiences with practically managing COVID-19 requirements in a high-risk facility. We are in this for the long haul it seems so what can be done to reduce the likelihood of employees testing positive from the workplace. Jane shares some useful advice and inspiration in an amusing way to make sure we understand the seriousness of this situation. She has practical ideas that we can all learn from. we will be having a chat session after this webinar so please join us to share your experiences too.
Together we can stay safe
View the recording here: