Pasteurisation of milk ensures safety for human consumption by reducing the number of viable pathogenic bacteria. Although the public health benefits of pasteurisation are well established, pro-raw milk advocate organisations continue to promote raw milk as “nature’s perfect food. To pasteurise or not…will remain a hot topic!
If the choice is however made to take the danger out of milk by means of pasteurisation, what is important to know about this heat treatment?
In this webinar the following will be shared:
- With Maretha we will be looking at the effect of pasteurisation on the nutritional value of milk and dairy. Her presentation will focus on the nutritional value of milk and how it may be affected by pasteurisation, or not.
- Tania will shed some light on what is required by law, Regulation 1555: Regulations, Relating to Milk and Dairy Products. Her presentation will focus on important minimum requirements on parameters like time and temperature and requirements indicated in regulations pertaining to equipment used for pasteurisation.
- Scott will help us to determine the efficiency of pasteurisation by explaining the basic principles of the phosphatase test and how to interpret the results.
Download Pasteurisation – Presentation Tania Blignaut.pptx
Download Webinar – MN Phosphatesmo MI – Scott van Niekerk 23-06-21.pdf
Download Processing – effect on nutritional value of milk for DSA.pdf
Maretha Vermaak(Consumer Education Project MilkSA) Maretha Vermaak is the dietitian for the Consumer Education Project Milk South Africa since 2008. The project specialises in communicating the health and nutritional benefits of dairy to consumers and opinion leaders. This includes a range of activities and various training initiatives. Maretha was co-author of the scientific publication on the SA Food Based Dietary Guideline “Have milk, maas and yoghurt every day”. She is an active member of the International Dairy Federation’s (IDF) standing committee on health and nutrition (SCHN) and the Scientific Programme Coordination Committee and has presented various international talks on dairy and health. |
Tania Blignaut(Dairy Standard Agency) Tania Blignaut graduated from the University of Free State with a B.Sc degree in Food Science (Dairy Science) and B.Sc Hons. degree Animal Nutrition in 2001. She has worked in the field of Food Safety and Quality in the Dairy Industry for the past 20 years. Tania is a SAATCA registered Food Safety Auditor since 2007 and has conducted more than 200 food safety audits against Regulatory requirements PRP, HACCP and ISO22000 standards. She currently holds the position as Operations Manager at the Dairy Standard Agency and is the Project Manager of, amongst others, the National Dairy Monitoring Program in collaboration with Health Authorities. |
Scott van Niekerk(Separations) Scott van Niekerk graduated from the University of Pretoria with a BSc Degree in Biotechnology. He worked as a Laboratory Manager at Pharma-Q as well as a Laboratory Analyst and in Laboratory Management or Supervision at MLS Laboratory Services. Earlier in his career, he worked at QK Meats which was audited under CLAS. He has also worked in the water process filtration and treatment sphere with Sagisa (Pty) Ltd for 2 years. In these positions, he has developed significant experience in not only microbiology and chemical testing but also in method development method maintenance and in method validation of quality management system protocols against ISO 17025 and European related management standards for both ISO 17025 and Pharmacopeias. He was appointed as Sales Professional with Separations, Johannesburg in October 2011. Here he assists customers with their laboratory needs through guidance and products from their partners. He is involved in providing value clarity on customer needs vs product capabilities; negotiating costs; installations and training of product operations. |