WEBINAR | DSA – Cleaning & Sanitising in the Dairy Industry


In today’s competitive and challenging times, a credible chemical supplier has a role far beyond the simple supply of cleaning and sanitation chemicals.

Download DSA Webinar – presentation Nutrochem.pdf

In this webinar we:

  • explored the part that a credible supplier can play in:
    • supplier hygiene partnering based on continuous improvement and benchmarking
    • best practice CIP
    • measuring CIP performance
    • troubleshooting CIP with colour change technology
    • circular Economies
  • clarified some definitions of sanitation terms to ensure a common understanding
  • discussed some technological aspects of various cleaning and sanitation regimes and their impact on both effectiveness and efficiency of cleaning
  • clarified colour coding standards for both equipment and chemistry, essential for managing cross-contamination and operator health and safety.

More about the speakers:

Geoff Bayman


Geoff Bayman joined NutroChem in October 2019 as the National Sales Director.  Actively selling specialty chemicals within the food & beverage industry since 1990.  Focussed on providing best practice hygiene outcomes for all our customers. 


John Cornford


 John has 50 years experience in food and beverage industry hygiene, with expert knowledge in cleaning chemistry application, CIP engineering and microbiological RCA.

He has worked for a variety of companies, most with leadership positions, dealing with the global leaders in food and beverage production, and has worked in most parts of the world, and lived in North America, Europe, Asia and Australia.

He has fulfilled several roles from business sector director, application specialist to director of engineering. Spent 5 years developing and executing a skills development program for all customer-facing personnel – a challenging task with around 3000 mature students, 25 languages and locations from Mongolia to Chile.

Recently he became interested in Biofuels technology based on fuels from crop and algal substrates and led a global cross-functional team developing solutions delivering process yield and productivity improvement. He retired from mainstream activities in 2014 and now runs his own consulting company Engineered Hygiene Solutions Pty Ltd.