RECORDING | Sharpen your Pencil on Dairy Legislation

It is expected that an effective regulatory system should be sensitive to the needs of the industry and the consumer by adopting and implementing policies that reduce regulations – meaning effective regulation rather than over-regulation.

However, in a complex food market, a balance among stakeholders’ various needs is difficult to achieve which explains why it takes a long time to amend regulations – regulations that are issued in terms of different laws, of which the enforcement thereof lies within the various government departments.

The complexities facing the dairy industry, and the power of relationships – or diverging interests among government departments, dairy processors, distributors, and food retailers – are often the cause of over-regulation.

The question is how we as stakeholders should navigate through the processes of regulation in a multi-dimensional, fragmented regulatory environment that is very demanding on the dairy industry.




Jompie Burger
Managing Director, Dairy Standard Agency

Jompie achieved a Diploma in Public Health at the Technicon Pretoria.
Practising as an Environmental Health Practitioner he furthered his studies and obtained a Btech Environmental Health as well as a BA in Public Administration.

During his time holding the position of Assistant Head of Health Services at the City Council of Springs, he extended his field of expertise to food safety which included further studies in food safety management systems.

After ending his career at the local authority in 1999 he became involved in product development, experienced life as the owner of an artisanal cheese factory, and worked as a food safety consultant for various brand names in the food industry as well as external food safety auditor in the retail sector.

In 2005 he became involved in the organised dairy industry by managing various statutory projects on behalf of the Dairy Standard Agency (DSA).

He is currently the Managing Director of the DSA, an independent non-profit organisation, which primary objective is to promote dairy quality and safety in the interest of the industry and the consumer. He serves on several Milk SA advisory committees and technical committees of organisations such as the SABS and the International Dairy Federation (IDF).