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RECORDING | Mycotoxins in dairy: Know your risk

VIEW THE RECORDING | The diet of a dairy cow is complex, being composed of various raw materials – what is the mycotoxin risk of these diets, and which raw materials carry the highest risk? What impact do these mycotoxins have on dairy cows’ health and performance? Furthermore, how can we detect mycotoxins and protect dairy cows?

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RECORDING | Biosecurity on dairy farms

VIEW THE RECORDING: When people mention biosecurity, they almost always use the poultry and pig farms as the ideal model. Those systems work well for an enclosed piggery or poultry house, but it is impractical for a 200 hectare open grazing dairy farm. Dairy farms will be used as an example of how to apply biosecurity in this webinar.

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Packaging: A Journey to Sustainability

VIEW THE RECORDING | With the recently implemented legislation requiring increased sustainability measures on all packaging, it not only forces manufacturers to comply but also requires forward & innovative thinking on a strategic packaging approach.

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WEBINAR | DSA 10: Dairy Packaging & Labelling

VIEW THE RECORDING | It’s a wrap… we’ve come to the end of Dairy Standard Agency’s series of insightful monthly webinars for 2021. To round off the topics on the ins and outs of the local dairy industry, dairy packaging & labeling was explored in this final webinar.

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