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Webinar library
Webinar | R638 Recording – What you need to know
R962 has been replaced by R638 – if you missed it, you can view this webinar now, and discover what the implications of this will be for your business.
Webinar | Trade Secrets, IP and New Product Development
The issue of trade secrets, confidential information, and whether to seek patent protection when new products are developed is a thorny one…
Webinar | Implementing water saving measures in your food facility
How does a company implement water saving measures, is the government involved in this, how do you get your team on board with water saving measures, what are the challenges and the risks? All of these are questions which are increasingly important for food facilities in the current water crisis in some parts of our country.
Webinar | Listeria and the Law 23 Jan
South Africa’s listeriosis outbreak has now topped the charts as the largest outbreak in history. So we once again chatted with our resident Legal Eagle, Janusz Luterek on the legal aspects of this for the food industry.
Webinar | Listeria and the Law
If you missed our webinar with Legal Eagle, Janusz Luterek, discussing the legal ramifications of listeria, you can watch the replay here.
Webinar | Quackery & Pseudoscience
This is the grey area of food supplements, complementary medicines and the law. But the consumers have rights too, so manufacturers need to beware….
Webinar | Are your Best Before dates lining you up for Liability?
Are your Best Before dates lining you up for Liability? Best before dates, sell by dates, us by dates – are these terms interchangeable? Food safety lawyer, Janusz Luterek explains the difference, and what exactly does all of this mean for the industry when it comes to liability.
Webinar | Live at SAAFoST with Janusz Luterek of Hahn & Hahn
Linda Jackson chatted with Janusz Luterek live at SAAFoST.
Webinar | Supplier Indemnity Agreements & Contracts
Welcome to our webinar series featuring our favourite Legal Eagle – Janusz Luterek. In this webinar Janusz discusses Supplier Indemnity Agreements and Contracts, an area which carries a great deal of risk.