Find Food Safety training courses to fit your training needs.
Training Courses
You will gain an in-depth understanding of the requirements of FSSC 22000 & how to plan and perform effective internal audits. Including extensive guidelines, auditing tools & practical activities to prepare you for conducting a FSMS audit
R638 of 2018 in Application – Food Safety and Hygiene Practice
The regulations apply to sectors such as poultry and preparations and products. R638 (Regulations Governing General Hygiene Requirements for Food Premises, the Transport of Food and Related Matters) has now been gazetted. This replaced R962
Implementation of a Food Safety Management System based on FSSC 22000 Version 5.1
FSSC 22000 is a Food Safety Management Systems standard which provides a framework for effectively managing food safety responsibilities for food handling enterprises.
Introduction to ISO 22000: 2018 Course (FS19)
This Introduction to ISO 22000 course will teach the learner the basic requirements of the ISO 22000 Food Safety Management System standard.
Advanced HACCP System Implementation Course (FS25)
This HPCSA accredited HACCP course will teach the learner to effectively implement a HACCP system from scratch. The focus is on implementing the 12 Steps of HACCP and an understanding of advanced Food Microbiology.
Basic Food Safety and Hygiene Awareness Course (FS04)
This 4-hour basic-level course provides a brief overview of the Food Safety practices and hygiene requirements for food handling premises.
Good Manufacturing Practices for Food Handlers Course (FS03)
This basic-level Good Manufacturing Practices for food handlers course teaches the learner the basic GMP requirements for food handling premises.
Implementation of Good Manufacturing Practices Course (FS33)
This intermediate-level course will teach the learner to effectively implement Good Manufacturing Practices in a food handling environment and is mainly based on the requirements referred to in the SANS 10049: 2019 standard.
Introduction to HACCP Course (FS07)
This basic-level Introduction to HACCP course teaches the learner the basic concepts and structure of an effective HACCP system without going into too much detail. The course aims to create HACCP awareness and is suitable for all employees
HACCP the 12 Stages Course (FS08)
This HPCSA accredited HACCP course will provide the learner with a thorough understanding of the requirements of a HACCP system specifically in relation to the 12 Stages of HACCP.
HACCP for Supervisors and HACCP Teams Course (FS10)
This intermediate-level HACCP course will provide the learner with a thorough understanding of the concepts and requirements of a Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points (HACCP) system.
ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System Implementation
This course will assist you to develop the
knowledge and skills required to fully implement an ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System
(QMS). An ineffective QMS can cost you time, money and customers.