Regulations for Rendering Facilities
Most rendering plants are considered the orphan of the abattoir – a place where angels fear to tread. During a recent HACCP audit in one such facility, I was surprised to discover a very comprehensive regulation dealing specifically with this often-forgotten department. Even if you do not wish to register as a rendering facility, you should take note of these requirements.
Ensuring the safety of rendered products that are used as animal feed ingredients is essential to ensure farm to fork safety. Chicken processors may invest in rendering facilities to ensure the chain of custody for their own breeders and growers. Recycling these by products provides an opportunity for sustainable processing. Rendering poses both food safety and occupational health and safety hazards that must be managed to ensure responsible processing.
Regulation No R.1086
Regulation No. R. 1086 of 3 November 2006 REGULATIONS RELATING TO STERILISING PLANTS, under the FERTILIZERS, FARM FEEDS, AGRICULTURAL REMEDIES AND STOCK REMEDIES ACT, 1947 (ACT NO. 36 OF 1947) deals with the feed and food safety aspects.
R.1086 addresses the following:
- The requirements for collecting and transporting raw materials
- The hygiene requirements for the construction of the rendering facility for the unclean and clean areas
- Personnel hygiene requirements including protective clothing and handwashing facilities
- The authorised methods of sterilizing
- Procedures and records required
- So not only does this part of your process require a very strong stomach, it might also need a bit of a spring clean and upgrade in order to comply with these requirements. But rightly so, because it will ensure the safer of your final product as well as the safety of your workers.
What should the end user look for?
If you use rendered animal by products in any way, it would be a good idea to ensure your suppliers have at least implemented the requirements as laid out by Regulation 1086.
A formal food safety management system would provide even more confidence.
Find out more…
So what are you waiting for, discover out how to start improving your facility:
View the Guidelines for the Management of Abattoirs, produced by the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development.