Gauteng Health calls on the public and private sector to cooperate with Environmental Health Officers in contact tracing following affirmative food samples from a positive Listeriosis patient.
Gauteng Department of Health calls on the public and private sector to cooperate with Environmental Health Officers in contact tracing of food (mainly chicken products) contaminated with the Listeria monocytogenes pathogens, based on positive diagnosis of Listeriosis patients. Tshwane District Environmental Health Professionals sought advice from GDoH following threat of litigation by an abattoir in Tshwane .
“The origin of contaminated food samples has been traced to a shop located in Pretoria area. Further investigations led our investigators to the abattoir which supply this particular shop with meat. Food samples from the abattoir were tested by the National Health Laboratory Services and they came out positive for the Listeria pathogens”’, said Gauteng MEC Dr Gwen Ramokgopa.
“Based on the discovery, the prohibition notice has been issued to the abattoir in terms of Regulations 4 (3) of Regulations Governing the General Hygiene for Food Premises and the Transport of Food for preparing food to the identified abattoir.
Whilst the abattoir’s legal rights are respected, they’re obliged to comply until the following has been adhered to: identify the source of contamination, disinfection of the premises, take surface swabs and water samples before and after disinfection”, added the MEC.
Gauteng is the mostly affected province with Listeriosis, over 365 cases have been detected in the province with 28 related deaths from the beginning of the year to date.
In order to trace the origin and also to contain the outbreak, the MMC for health in the city of Tshwane Mr Sakkie Du Plooy assured that the city’s Environmental Health Practitioners (EHPs) are carrying out home visits to all clients who were confirmed to be Listeriosis positive and collecting food samples from the affected clients. The samples have been submitted to the National Institute for Communicable Diseases.
In the meantime the Gauteng Department of Health is calling upon people to practice basic hygiene, for example, by washing hands anytime they visited rest room and we also encourage them wash their vegetables and fruits before consuming them, boiling of water prior to use if you are not sure of its origin and avoid drinking unpasteurized milk as well cooking food at high temperature.
Listeriosis is a serious but treatable and preventable disease caused by the bacterium, listeria monocytogenes. It is widely distributed in nature and can be found in soil, water and vegetation. Individuals at high risk of developing severe disease include newborn babies, the elderly, pregnant women, persons with weak immunity such as those living with HIV, diabetes, cancer, chronic liver or kidney disease.
“Gauteng MEC for health and the City’s MMC for health would like to encourage our people in general to urgently seek medical attention when they notice the following symptoms: flu-like illness with diarrhea including fever, general body pains, vomiting and weakness. ”
Although health workers in health services will be available to assist residents, we call on the public to heed the messages of prevention of diseases and trauma. General hygiene, limiting alcohol abuse, looking after children and providing supervision when they use fire crackers should remain our priority.
“We wish all residents to enter into the 2018 healthy , happy and ready for a prosperous New Year ahead! “concluded MEC Ramokgopa.
For more information please contact Lesemang Matuka: 072 025 3605 or For media releases, speeches and news visit the Gauteng Department of Health’s portal at