R656 of May 2019
The Minister of Health has repealed the Regulations relating to the following products promulgated under the repealed Food, Drugs and Disinfectants, 1929, (Act No. 13 of 1929), and published under Government Notice No. 575 of 28 March 130 with immediate effect:
- Regulation11: Ice cream and ice -cream products
- Regulation 14: Meat and fish and their preparations: Edible fats and edible oils – (Except 14(4)(iii))
- Regulation 15: Tea
- Regulation 16: Coffee, coffee mixtures and preparations of coffee
- Regulation 17: Chicory
- Regulation 18: Cocoa and chocolate
- Regulation 27: Sugar, confectionery, dextrose and icing sugar
- Regulation 39 bis: Edible gelatin