How to be budget savvy with your grocery list without compromising on nutritional value.
The global pandemic has hit our homes in a number of ways, with financial strain sitting high on the list for many. As South Africans desperately look to save money any way we can, food budgets are becoming increasingly tight and every cent counts that much more than it did before.
This is according to Kershnee Kallee, Marketing Manager at Jungle, who says that putting together a shopping list before heading to the grocery store is one of the best ways to stay within a budget. “In addition to never hitting the shops without a well-thought-out list, choosing the right types of foods that make it onto the list can also help you get more bang for your buck.”
In light of SASI’s Savings Month, a July awareness campaign that promotes different kinds of savings and the benefits planning, Kallee shares four simple tips for putting together a nutritional grocery list that won’t break the bank:
1. Buy products with versatility
It is crucial to buy food products that can be used in different ways and for different meals throughout the day. These are products, like Jungle Large Tiger Oat Flakes, that you can make a yummy breakfast with, and still be able to incorporate into a light lunch and a filling dinner at the end of the day. This versatility also means there is something everyone in the family will enjoy.
2. Go for long-lasting benefits
Once food items are bought, it is also important to be on top of best-before dates and take note of how certain products should be stored to minimise food spoilage and waste. In this sense, a major benefit of Jungle Large Tiger Oat Flakes is the product’s ability to last for one year from date of production, if stored properly.
3. Look at the costs
Often times there is a perception that eating healthy and enjoying nutritious meals is expensive, but this doesn’t have to be the case. Jungle Large Tiger Oat Flakes is both high in fibre and low in fat, which makes it a great nutritional choice, for both your body and heart, for less than R2.25 per serving.
4. Pick what’s filling for longer
Having a nutritious and yet filling meal means you will spend less time and money on snacking, as you will feel full for longer. Food items like Jungle Large Tiger Oat Flakes can be consumed as a stand-alone meal, but can also be mixed with other products like almonds, eggs and mushrooms to create a variety of meal options that will keep you fuller for longer.
“So next time you need to do a grocery store haul, apply these budget shopping tips when putting together your list. You’d be surprised at how making small changes like the types of foods you purchase, can have a significant impact on your finances over the long-term,” concludes Kallee.