Registrations for the second annual Food Safety Summit South Africa launched this week and an invitation is extended to all food safety professionals to join this auspicious virtual event.
The Food Safety Summit 2021 is a team effort and Anelich Consulting and Food Focus are proud to once again partner for this event. The theme for this year is “Teaming up for safe food now for a healthy tomorrow” in support of collaboration in food safety and in line with the theme of World Food Safety Day (WFSD) to be celebrated on 7 June 2021, namely ‘Safe food today for a healthy tomorrow’.
Food safety is a shared responsibility between governments, producers and consumers. Everyone has a role to play from farm to table to ensure the food we consume is safe and healthy. Through the World Food Safety Day, who works to mainstream food safety in the public agenda and reduce the burden of foodborne diseases globally, making food safety everyone’s business.
The inaugural Food Safety Summit South Africa in 2020 focused on lessons learned during the global COVID pandemic. Although the pandemic is still top of mind, it is essential that attention is paid to the real food safety issues facing the food industry globally. The focus of the event extends to the latest food safety innovations to ensure the food industry is equipped to make safe food now for a healthy tomorrow.
“Our speaker line once again consists of some of the most well-respected food safety scientists worldwide. With the focus on food safety hazards, we have Professor David Miller presenting on mycotoxins and Professor Jeff Farber from the Canadian Research Institute for Food Safety, Guelph University Canada revisiting Listeria monocytogenes. Of course, this is in addition to several other esteemed South African colleagues” stated Professor Lucia Anelich from Anelich Consulting, Summit co-organiser and speaker.
Personal health and safety remain top of mind and the event will therefore remain a virtual event in 2021. According to Linda Jackson of Food Focus, one of the co-organisers, the program this year ensures more practical interaction with the delegates and ample question time, as well as greater ease of use on the virtual platform.
The Summit is aimed at food safety managers/professionals, food scientists, food technologists, risk managers, food science/food technology students (special student rates apply), quality control managers, quality assurance managers, regulators and frankly, anyone working in the food industry.
Delegates can register for one or both days, and early bird rates apply until 31 March 2021. There are also great sponsorship opportunities that include limited speaking slots for sponsors.
For more details, please go to or contact