Celebrating World Youth Day, youth leaders across the world are delighted that UNITLIFE will join the Act4Food Act4Change campaign to raise awareness among the young populations about the need for youth to play a major role in food systems transformations.
The current food systems contribute to ongoing health, climate and biodiversity crises, and violation of human rights. We will only be able to achieve the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals with a fundamental transformation of our food systems. To defeat hunger, improve sustainable healthy diets and improve our planet, 24 youth leaders from across the globe launched the Act4Food Act4Change campaign on May 18, 2021 in support of the
UNITLIFE, the global initiative solving the challenge of inequality from birth, plays an active role in mobilizing more young people to support the Act4Food Act4Change campaign but also in spreading the word about it. In addition, UNITLIFE will introduce the campaign via celebrity endorsement and influencer engagement.
“Increasing youth engagement to help transform our food systems requires efforts on various fronts, and we at the core group of this campaign are particularly delighted to target not only gamers, but also all the youth in Africa who are keen to support our campaign. UNITLIFE will be bringing its wealth of knowledge, expertise and network and we will immensely gain from this partnership.” says Sophie Healy-Thow, Youth Coordinator of the Act4Food Act4Change campaign.
UNITLIFE aims to create a community of companies and individuals who care about fighting malnutrition during the first 1,000 days of life. “In our view, it is of utmost importance that more and more young Africans join this campaign. Young people on the continent are dynamic, creative, and committed to protect the future of the next generations. We can bring in meaningful change if we tap into this incredible potential. This is precisely why we are also so proud of being part of this campaign”, explains Assia Sidibe, Head of UNITLIFE’s Secretariat.