According to the NICD the strain that is still most frequently isolated, and responsible for confirmed cases and deaths belongs to the sequence type ST6. The situation necessitates that all the food sectors with food products normally associated with Listeria should continue to identify potential sources of contamination and implement corrective measures where applicable to ensure effective elimination of this public health hazard.
The DSA has developed an industry guideline document:
“Control of Listeria Monocytogenes : Guidance for the South African Dairy Industry”.
Download Control of Listeria monocytogenes.pdf
This document has been prepared to assist roleplayers in the South African dairy industry to proactively implement measures based on a pathogen control equation programme that is considered essential in the process of Listeria safe dairy production.
Industry members at the same time are reminded that listeriosis has since December 2017 been listed as a notifiable disease in terms of National Health legislation. It is therefore of the utmost importance that industry members continue to implement appropriate measures in the identification (environment and product monitoring), evaluation and control of amongst other presence of Listeria species in production facilities and final product.
For more information on the Dairy Standard Agency,
visit their website: