Have you seen the latest news – as a result of the Listeriosis outbreak, an Incident management team has been put into place. This team has been undergoing training and rolling out a national plan for improving food safety.
The NICD and the Incident Management Team have developed the attached SOP and Checklist for food handling facilities. You may have already had your facilities inspected or soon will be visited.
As part of this plan, the EHP’s will be visiting and inspecting food facilities using this checklist. The application of the checklist will be in accordance with their Standard operating procedure which has also been made available.
Instructions: Download SOP_Inspection_Tool_Final_08052018.pdf
Workbook: Download Inspection_Tool_Final_08052018.pdf
Comments: Download Industry Challenges comments on Inspections under the FCD Act B.pdf
Let us know your experiences so we can make this process work for the improvement of food safety in South Africa.”