I thought it pertinent to clarify how Government is operating/should be operating so that issues relating to Food SAFETY are clear.
Given that that the President has declared COVID 19 a Disaster, various Ministers are tasked with dealing with areas as per the Disaster Management Act.
In addition, various Industry Stakeholders have been part of engagements and party to the agreements.
In so far as we are all know FOOD SAFETY BEFORE, DURING and AFTER the Disaster is NON NEGOTIABLE!
The President has now declared a Lockdown and the same Act is used to elaborate for ALL South Africans (& of course for anyone wanting to do business WITH it)
Again, various Ministers are and have indicated what the rules are etc.
Both the Minister of Trade and Competition and the Minister of Agriculture, Land Affairs & Rural Development have made pronouncements on the issues relating to Food Supply (Food Security & Business Operations). Note, insofar as I am aware there has been no pronouncement on Food Safety.
Again let me emphasize FOOD SAFETY BEFORE, DURING and AFTER the Lockdown is NON NEGOTIABLE!
Furthermore, the Acts and Regulations, particularly in Health have not needed amending or changing and thus remain applicable before, during and after the Disaster or Lockdown
Covid-19 is NOT a Food Safety issue – i.e. it has not identified to be a route or cause of/for transmission. There is only speculation that the origin of this virus is from wild/exotic animal/s.
International Scientific Risk Assessment Bodies have indicated that it is unlikely, similar to previous Mers – Sars virus family. Outbreaks for food to transmit the virus.
Thus, the Directorate Food Control continues to respond to ANY query relating to the ACT and FOOD Regulations published thereunder
I.e. It is Business as USUAL under UNUSUAL conditions for FOOD CONTROL.
COVID-19 is a Communicable disease and thus there are HEALTH HYGEINE measures that must be considered and implemented as per direction of the lead Minister in this area – the Minister of Health, as well as the OTHER measures put in place during this disaster and now lockdown.
In summary, there are no special measures for FOOD CONTROL.
I.e. The hand hygiene protocols/measures/messages in so far as they relate to Food production / handling / distribution and sale were in the Regulations, have now been heightened and MUST continue beyond the Disaster and Lockdown.
The heightened measures for the general population must continue beyond this pandemic so as not to bring our country to this point ever again!
# Let’s wash our hands
# Let’s comply
# Let’s flag NON compliance
# Let’s not be competitive in Food Control
# Let’s not get to the next stage- Emergency!
Author: Penny Campbell
Director, Food Control
Department of Health
Issued: 30 March 2020