This course aims to ensure the clear understanding of TACCP and VACCP.

1 Day
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Full Description
The main concern of the food industry is the SAFETY of its products. Food safety management systems have, over the years, been developed by the industry and regulators which means that major outbreaks of food poisoning are now quite unusual in many countries.
These systems typically use Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) principles which are accepted globally. HACCP has proven to be effective against accidental contamination.
HACCP principles however have not been routinely used to detect or mitigate deliberate attacks on a system or process. Such attacks include deliberate contamination, electronic intrusion, and fraud. Deliberate acts may have food safety implications but can harm organizations in other ways, such as damaging business reputation or extorting money.
This course provides an understanding of the VACCP and TACCP concepts.
Course Outcomes
Understand the definitions related to food defence, VACCP and TACCP
Understand the requirements of various standards for food defence, VACCP and TACCP
Perform a Vulnerability assessment
Perform a Threat assessment
Understand requirements for recall processes to enable development of effective procedures
Who should attend?
VACCP/TACCP Team Members
Top management
Procurement personnel
Receiving personnel
Warehouse/Distribution personnel
A basic understanding of food safety concepts.