This course aims to assist businesses to know and understand the legal requirements and their responsibilities in ensuring safe food to the public. Food Businesses need to know the law and
adhere to all legislative requirements.
R638 Foodstuffs, Cosmetics and Disinfectants Act, 1972 (Act No. 54 of 1972) Regulations Governing General Hygiene requirements for Food prem

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Full Description
The new R638 Regulations Governing General Hygiene Requirements for Food Premises, the Transport of Food and Related Matters was published on 22 June 2018 and replaced regulation R962 of 2012. Under this new Regulation it is now a requirement that the person in charge of a food premises and any other person handling food must be adequately trained in the principles and practices of food safety and hygiene by a suitably qualified food safety expert. Compliance with regulations and standards is an essential part in food industry. This presents challenges for those in charge of a food processing operation due to limited knowledge on food safety aspects. This course aims to assist businesses to know and understand the legal requirements and their responsibilities in ensuring safe food to the public. Food Businesses need to know the law and adhere to all legislative requirements. The course is designed to impart knowledge and skills on Food Safety practices and Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) for food handling premises based on the requirements of R638 Regulations. R638 Regulations consists of 19 regulations which will be discussed in detail including how to apply to obtain a Certificate of Acceptability. The training addresses the requirements relevant for the food industry from raw material procurement to delivery of finished products. The course content allows food manufacturing handlers, supervisors and managers to have an understanding of the Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) provisions and to develop competence required to implement, control and monitor an effective GMP system. This course goes further in challenging those responsible for managing food manufacturing processes to ensure development of a culture of food safety and continuous improvement in implementation and control of GMPs.
Course Outcomes
- Appreciate legal and standard requirements for implementing GMP
- Benefits of effective GMPs
- Identify GMPs and relate to Pre-Requisites Programs (PRPs)
- Acquire the practical skills to implement a GMP based on R638
- Understand controls, monitoring and Auditing of GMPs
Who should attend?
The course is designed for individuals of all levels within a food manufacturing organization involved in QA, QC and production as well as general management positions in order to better understand the issues at stake as per R638 (GMP) requirements.
- Managers and supervisors of all food manufacturing businesses
- Technical managers, Quality Assurance and Quality control managers
- Food Safety officers/managers, Food Safety Team, Food Safety Auditors and factory inspectors.
- Any other person working in a food and beverage industry
- Standards and requirements for food premises
- Details of PRPs/GMPs: What Good and Bad Looks like