This course will explain microbiological criteria (MC) fully, explore the use of utility organisms, indicator organisms and pathogens in testing foods as well as provide science-based examples of MC for different products.
Microbiological criteria

Half day
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Full Description
The course covers the following:
- All the elements that constitute an MC
- Unpacking each of those elements
- The types of MC that exist and their applications
- Explanation of 2-class and 3-class sampling plans
- Application of 2-class and 3-class sampling plans
- When and where to set appropriate MC in the food chain
- Developing appropriate sampling plans
- Selecting appropriate laboratory testing methods
- Brief explanation of the performance of sampling plans, in an easily understandable manner
Course Outcomes
The course aims to provide:
- A clear understanding of all the elements that constitute microbiological criteria (MC)and their purpose
- A clear understanding of the difference between 2-class and 3-class sampling plans and when each is used
- The ability to develop appropriate MC for both food safety and process hygiene purposes
- A clear understanding of when it is appropriate to set MC along the food chain
- A clear understanding of tightening a sampling plan based on its performance
- A clear understanding of the correct use of MC to inform food safety management in a facility
Who should attend?
All technical and other staff in a food production & manufacturing facility at all steps in the food chain, that deal with microbiological testing, selecting microbiological testing to be done and setting appropriate MC. Examples are food safety & quality staff, laboratory personnel, technical managers, food safety management systems teams. This course is also applicable to retailers who wish to establish appropriate, science-based MC for their suppliers or to review current microbiological requirements and to re-design them into full MC according to international standards.
Knowledge in food microbiology.