Recording | the prudent use of agricultural chemicals on milk production farms

To prevent the hazardous nature of these substances turning into risks for farmers, their work force, dairy cows and the environment. Pesticides are regulated by various acts and regulations in South Africa to ensure that these substances will perform as expected to control plant pest and public health pests, weeds and undesired microbes that affect plant health.

CropLife South Africa which is the industry association for the plant science industry pleads for all end users of pesticides to follow label instructions meticulously, not only because it is a legal requirement, but also because it safeguards people, animals and the environment against risks while controlling pests, diseases and weeds effectively.

In this webinar the focus will be on judicious use of pesticides in an integrated pest management programme, the new Global Harmonised System for the Classification and Labelling of Chemicals (GHS systems) and the key elements of risk management.

Watch this video to understand the importance of reading and following label instructions and the importance of judicious use of agricultural remedies.

Download DSA – 26 October 2023 GH Verdoorn CropLife SA.pdf


Gerhard achieved a Ph.D Synthetic Organic Chemistry at the University of Johannesburg.He has published over 84 popular articles on conservation and responsible use of pesticides annually and present radio programmes on environment, pest management and conservation.

Gerhard is currently the Operations and Stewardship manager of CropLife South Africa. He is also the Director of the Griffon Poison Information Centre offering services for advice on exposure to pesticides and other poisons and management of chemical disasters such as fires, spills and road accidents.

He presents workshops and training courses on responsible pesticide use and is a guest lecturer at the School of Clinical Pharmacology at the University of Stellenbosch.

He is also a steering committee member at the Chair in Plant Health at the University of Stellenbosch. Gerhard acts as special adviser to the law enforcement agencies on chemical and biological substances that may be used in chemical and biological warfare.  

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