Fssc releases version 6 of the fssc 22000 scheme

On 31 March 2023, the Foundation FSSC published Version 6 of the FSSC 22000 scheme. 

The FSSC 22000 scheme has been developed through extensive and open consultation with global stakeholders and uses international and independent standards such as ISO 22000, ISO 9001, ISO/TS 22003, and technical specifications for sector-specific Pre-Requisite Programs (PRPs), including ISO/TS 22002-1.

Why the need for a new version of FSSC 22000?

According to FSSC, the updated version was necessary for:

• Integrating the requirements of ISO 22003-1:2022,

• Strengthening the requirements to support organizations in their contributions to meeting the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and

• Incorporating feedback as a result of the Version 6 development survey, which received nearly 2000 responses.

What is the deadline for transition to the new version?

Version 6 will have a 12-month transition window to allow organizations to prepare for the new version and to allow certification bodies to implement and gain accreditation.

The first audits to Version 6 will commence from 01 April 2024 onwards, and all organizations must complete the V6 upgrade audit before 31 March 2025.

What are the main changes in Version 6?

• Realignment of the Food Chain Categories in accordance with ISO 22003-1:2022.

• The scope has been expanded to include Trading and Brokering (FII) and reduced by removing Farming and FSSC 22000-Quality from the scheme.

• Integration of the requirements on food safety and quality culture.

• New requirements on quality control, food loss and waste, and equipment management.

• Strengthened existing additional requirements in Part 2 of the scheme, including but not limited to allergen management and environmental monitoring.

• Changes to and clarification on requirements for the Certification Process.

• Addition of a QR Code on FSSC 22000 certificates for improved traceability.

NOTE: The Foundation has published a Version 6 Upgrade Process document which details the transition requirements and a version of the scheme highlighting the changes between V5.1 and V6.

Visit the FSSC 22000 Website for more

The Version 6 scheme documents, the upgrade process, and the main changes version are available for download on their website free of charge.


About FSSC

FSSC schemes support the consumer goods industry in implementing effective management systems, protecting their brands, and achieving food safety targets. The Foundation aims to help organizations contribute to the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), thus creating a better world.

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