Road map to legislation in South Africa
Food legislation in South Africa is a little messy. This article provides an overview structure of the departments involved and the scope of their work.
Codex covers food hygiene and allergens in first ever virtual meeting
Work on food hygiene, allergens and support of food trade in Africa have been adopted by the Codex Alimentarius Commission, which recently met online for the first time in its history.
EPR legislation that will change how you handle packaging
This Extended Producer Responsibility Legislation WILL change how you handle packaging
US Egg product inspection regulations get first update in 50 years
Under the new rule, federally inspected egg products plants are required to develop and implement Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) systems and Sanitation Standard Operating Procedures (SSOPs). FSIS will continue to test for Salmonella and Listeria monocytogenes (Lm) in egg products…
Regulatory status of equipment being used to help prevent Coronavirus
In the wake of the coronavirus it is paramount that the regulatory status of such devices and equipment is clearly articulated and disseminated to the industry.
Is your disinfectant legal?
Did you know that the National Regulator for compulsory specifications in South Africa?
Are you getting the right “accredited” training to meet the requirements of R638?
By now you should know that R638 requires the person in charge is suitably qualified or otherwise adequately trained in the principles and practices of food safety and …
How to measure compressed air contaminants according to ISO 8573-1
ISO 8573 is an internationally recognized standard that defines major contaminants in compressed air. So how do we measure these contaminants in day to day real life factory conditions?
Codex HACCP: The foundation of food safety is being shaken
In the world of food safety where there is a plethora of standards, we have become accustomed to changes. New legislation, new audit requirements, changes to the GFSI benchmarked standard, changes to FSSC and ISO 22000. But through all the turmoil of change, one thing has remained the same: Codex HACCP. Until now…
How Kosher are your Kosher claims?
Producing a quality product is a key objective for any food manufacturer. And quality means meeting the customers requirements. Customer requirements can be vary and include the obvious general like food safety but others may be quite specific to a group. One such group would be those of Jewish faith who observe kosher rules for the food they eat.
What are the main differences between R638 and R962?
Your handy guide to the major differences between R638 and R962 courtesy of Janusz Luterek of Hahn & Hahn Attorneys. Updated January 2019 DOWNLOAD THIS
10 documents you need when applying for a Certificate of Acceptability
Here are some of the examples of supporting documentation which the EHP might require from you when applying for a Certificate of Acceptability. It’s better to be prepared!