Innovation and risk management Part 2 | Using ISO 9001 and ISO 22000 to manage food safety risks
New products can fail for many reasons – one being a quality or food safety defect. In part 2 on managing risk in innovation, we explore these requirements of ISO 9001 and ISO 22000 and provide you with practical tools for how to manage the risks. Read more…
Good Distribution Practices Part 1 | Getting the product from A to B
A lot of things can happen to food products between the processor’s shipping dock and the restaurant location’s back door or the food retailer’s receiving dock. Product can be physically damaged, temperature abused, exposed to unhygienic conditions and numerous other undesirable conditions could result in increased risk of microbiological, chemical or physical hazards. This article discusses the key controls you need to implement as a responsible warehousing and distribution provider.
Innovation and risk management Part 3 | Recall, the ultimate innovation failure
As food safety professionals we utter the word recall with reverence. A withdrawal we can generally manage as it happens with little or no impact on Mrs Consumer. A recall however, can be the ultimate dent in consumer confidence and reduce not only new products but the existing brand to failure. New product development can increase the possibility of a recall. Let’s understand why and what we should do about it.
Innovation and risk management Part 1 | New product development
A trip down any supermarket aisle will confirm the results of innovation in the food industry. More product choices, more convenience foods and novel packaging ideas. Some products may fail, some products strike it rich. It’s all a bit of a gamble, it’s all about taking the right risks. In this series we explore these elements of risk and provide you with practical tools for how to manage the risks. Read more…
Comparing best practice requirements for Supplier Quality Assurance: BRC vs IFS vs SQF vs FSSC22000
One of the frustrating things in any management system standard is that the requirements are generic. Sometimes it would be so much easier if they just told you exactly what you need to do. We put together a table of some of the most popular GFSI benchmarked standards to assist you your understanding of supplier quality assurance and controls for purchasing.