Why is soil biodiversity important?
Healthy soils mean a food-secure future. With healthy soil comes biodiversity, which ensures sustainability in our food supply.
FDA joins with groups in another study about the contamination of leafy greens
On the heels on multiple outbreaks this past year and currently amid three mystery outbreaks, the FDA along with growers, researchers and other entities in California have announced a multi-year study to enhance food safety through a better understanding of human pathogens in the environment.
Deadly fruit fungus could wipe out bananas
Dr Sylvain Charlebois from Dalhousie University explores how the banana industry is adapting to modern needs and constraints.
Climate change and heavy metal contamination of food
It is clear that food security has been highlighted by the current COVID 19 pandemic with supply chain disruptions, the impact of the economic slowdown resulting in millions of people going below the breadline and becoming food insecure.
Researchers predict Campylobacter increase due to climate change
Nordic countries may experience a doubling of Campylobacter cases by the late 2080s, according to researchers. Scientists used national surveillance data to analyze the relationship between climate and campylobacteriosis in Denmark, Finland, Norway, and Sweden and estimate impact of climate changes on future disease patterns…
Pigs at slaughter: Measures to address welfare concerns
Most of the hazards related to welfare of pigs at slaughter are due to inadequate staff skills and poorly designed and constructed facilities. That is one of the main conclusions of EFSA’s latest advice on welfare of animals during the slaughter process. EFSA highlights the lack of skills and/or training of the staff working in slaughtering as a serious welfare concern.
EU plans cut to antimicrobial and pesticide use in farm to fork strategy
The European Commission plans to propose mandatory front-of-pack nutrition labelling and develop a labelling framework that covers the nutritional, climate, environmental and social aspects of products.
Global emissions are way off target: What needs to happen
The emissions gap has grown significantly since 2010, when the first Emissions Gap Report was produced by the United Nations Environment Programme. A comment in Nature led by my colleague Niklas Höhne, professor at the University of Wageningen, reflected on these increases. Our analysis shows that the gap has widened by as much as four times since 2010. How much exactly depends on the details.
Ordering the vegetarian meal? There’s more animal blood on your hands
Being vegetarian saves cows’ lives, but threatens the future of other sentient creatures…
Scientists find myoglobin improves cultured meat
A team of Tufts University-led researchers exploring the development of cultured meat found that the addition of the iron-carrying protein myoglobin improves the growth, texture, and color of bovine muscle grown from cells in culture. This development…
Foot and Mouth Disease Update – Dec 2019
Joint Statement of the Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development and The National Animal Health Forum on Foot and Mouth Disease Update as at December 2019.
Stewardship vs. Satisfaction
It’s not enough to provide a reasonably priced, high-quality product; companies now need to prove their commitment to social responsibility to meet the expectations of a new generation of consumer