The use of UV-C technology in the food processing industry

Technilamp’s UV-C lamp technology disinfects foods and surfaces naturally.



Technilamp specialises in the design, manufacture, assembly, installation and maintenance of customised equipment to disinfect against harmful pathogens and extend the shelf life of fresh foods. The company works closely with Philips lighting in all aspects of the design and functionality of the equipment.


The discovery of Listeriosis in a leading FMCG meat processing company in 2017 and more recently the Salomonella outbreak in Natal highlights the continuous threat food companies face in terms of reputational risk and loss of profits should an outbreak occur.


Whilst the use of chemicals is often promolgated as the panacea of solving the disinfection of pathogens in the food processing industry, recent events have proven otherwise.


A often misunderstood technology is the use of UV-C in the disinfection of foods and the sterilisation of the air and food surfaces in areas in which the foods are processed.


UV-C has been used and proven to be highly effective in the medical industry for over a century. The technology is not lectured at universities or technikons hence the limited understanding of the use of the technology amongst Food Quality Managers.


Yet in recent times, as more and more types of pathogens have become immune to the use of chemicals, the use of UV-C in high risk areas has proven to be highly effective.

Effective use of the technology of late in South Africa has been in commercial bakeries, soft fruits, nuts, meat and in the fish processing categories to remove pathogens and increase the shelf life of product offerings.



The use of UV-C technology is perfectly safe provided the correct design procedures and people protocols are used.


The technology is effective in sterilising the air during and outside of working hours. The technology is highly effective in the disinfection of working surfaces and packaging, providing continuous 24/7 disinfection. Often the most effective use of UV-C disinfection is immediately prior to final packing. 


The exposure of UV-C to food is a perfectly natural process with no effect on discolouration.


The use of UV-C requires minimal maintenance with only monthly cleaning of the lamps and the replacement of the lamps every one to two years, depending on usage.


The use of UV-C is an invisible entity to the human eye, yet the technology delivers a continuous, effective, low cost and natural process to disinfect all forms of pathogens whether in the air or on surfaces in the processing environment.


The technology delivers a level of disinfection protection to increase the shelf life and protect and enhance the reputation of companies against any potential loss of profits.


For a free consulation and quotation please contact Hylton Cowie at Technilamp on 011 621 0620 or email 

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