You run a 5-star kitchen and churn out the best gourmet dishes. Your kitchen is more than likely the size of a postage stamp and comes equipped with hot tempered executive chefs armed with the deadly sharp knives. Health and safety in this environment – a piece of cake! Check out the Department of labour’s take on this workplace.
There is no one size fits all the occupational health and safety management systems. It’s all about the hazards you have to deal with, depending on where you are in the food chain.
The Department of Labour have recognised this and have provided a number of very useful guides to assist with getting to grips with the real issues – where you are at.
So you run a kitchen at a hotel, conference centre or bed and breakfast, then make sure you down load this useful guide. It will help guide you in identifying these issues in your own establishment.
Have you considered?
- Slips, trips and falls
- Working with hazardous chemicals
- Machine safety
- Electrical hazards
- Hazards associated with waste
- Use of knives
- Burns
Bear in mind this may not be an exhaustive list. The Occupational Safety and Health Act requires you conduct your own hazard identification and risk assessment. This will at least give you a head start.
Download Hospitality OHS guide.pdf