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The top 10 advantages of digital food safety procedures
The change from paper-based to digital checklists does not just provide you with evidence of compliance, it offers a host of other advantages too, first of which is better food safety, but also operational efficiency.

Enough to Make You Sick: Foodborne Illness Epidemic in South Africa spotlights Need for Change
In recent weeks food-safety standards in South Africa have come to the fore as a rash of severe food-related illnesses and deaths have swept the nation.

Government calls on businesses to register
The registration of spaza shops and other small medium business enterprises, is one of the measures to mitigate the current outbreak of foodborne illnesses and illicit trade in South Africa
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Webinar | DSA – Practical solutions to high somatic cell count in dairy herds
How to reduce bulk tank somatic cell count (SCC) quickly and how to keep SCC count down over the long term are frequently asked questions.

Webinar | DSA – A practical approach to hygienic design of dairy equipment
The hygienic design of dairy equipment aims to prevent contamination (biological, chemical, physical) of the product or material flow through ingress, accumulation or growth. As
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Determining air and product temperatures of food accurately
Checking the correct temperature all along the cold chain is one of the basic measures for assuring quality and guaranteeing

How to qualify a freeze drying plant for food
To ensure security in food production, high requirements from the food sector must be met. The testo 191 HACCP data

Sustainability in the dairy industry
The overall goal of the dairy industry worldwide is to produce healthy and nutritious food in an economically, socially and
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Green Monday at School is Cool!
This November, Humane Society International/Africa (HSI/Africa) launched its Green Monday SA Plant-Based Solutions program in two rural schools in the Genadendal Valley: LR Schmidt Primary School, the oldest primary school in South Africa, and Emil

The Power of Collaboration: Rescuing Sweet Potatoes, Nourishing Communities
A recent successful food rescue operation involving sweet potatoes shows how partnerships can transform potential food loss and waste into nourishment for thousands.

Four Provinces Declared Free from Foot and Mouth Disease Outbreaks
The Department of Agriculture is pleased to announce that the Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD) outbreak, which occurred during 2021-2022, has been successfully resolved in the North West, Free State, Gauteng, and Mpumalanga Provinces.