Food Scientists Reduce Time off Salmonella Identification Process

By Guest Author on 18 March 2020

Researchers have developed a method for completing whole-genome sequencing to determine salmonella serotypes in just two hours and the whole identification process within eight hours.

The conventional scientific process for identifying bacteria’s family – known as serotyping – can be time consuming. For salmonella, it used to take three days, and in some cases more than 12 days to assign a final classification for complex servovars.


As reported by the Cornell Chronicle, researchers from Cornell, the Mars Global Food Safety Center in Beijing, and the University of Georgia have developed a method for completing whole-genome sequencing to determine salmonella serotypes in just two hours and the whole identification process within eight hours.

Their research was published Feb. 24 online in the Journal Food Microbiology.

his article was reproduced with the permission of the Quality Assurance Magazine, and the original article can be viewed here: